Jane is a wonder and has contributed so much to horse safety. In 2001, the US Supreme Court ruled that pharmacies could indeed market compounded products that were unregulated by the FDA. Apart from those I've mentioned the rest are made from plants.

Acting as a natural selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator, it may also positively affect the cardiovascular system without the harmful estrogenic side effects in breast and uterine tissue. Updated on March, 2018 Jane Allin BY JANE ALLIN. Additionally, significant improvements were seen in general, emotional and mental fatigue as well as the occurrence of clinical depression (as expected). Estradiol is made in the ovaries of premenopausal women. However there have been no long-term studies like the WHI performed to assess their safety profile.FDA-approved bioidenticals come with black box warnings analogous to those for conventional HRT. Vasomotor symptoms (i.e. tanning beds, saunas). The lack of distinction between FDA-approved bioidentical hormones (often referred to as synthetics) and compounded bioidentical hormones has resulted in considerable misunderstanding regarding exactly what BHRT is.The vast majority of advocates of BHRT are referring to the compounded versions where hormones are custom-mixed by a pharmacist – unapproved drugs.In addition to estrogen and progesterone, these compounded drugs may contain other hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and adrenal hormones extracted from animal glands. Your guess is as good as mine.Contrary to popular belief, the FDA has yet to approve any “true” generic as a substitute for Premarin® and its daughter products (i.e. Some types of bioidenticals have been falsely advertised to prevent breast cancer and heart disease, achieve weight loss and slow the aging process without any studies to back these claims.There are tens of millions of compounded hormone therapy prescriptions a year filled at community and compounding pharmacies for at least 2 billion dollars – definitely a money-making business.One might ask how these unregulated products can be sold. hormones identical on a molecular level to endogenous hormones that are synthesized in the lab from natural plant sources) – these are not the versions produced at a compounding pharmacy which are not FDA approved.What’s important however is that these drugs carry with them the same risks and warnings associated with drugs derived from conjugate estrogen estrogens, whether that be estrogen alone or combined with progestin.In pre- and postmenopausal women, estrogens can increase the risk of cancer of the ovaries, stroke, dementia, and serious blood clots in the legs.Estrogen, when used with a progestin, can increase the risk of heart disease (such as heart attacks), stroke, serious blood clots in the lungs/legs, dementia, and cancer of the breast/ovaries.There are basically four categories of FDA- approved synthetic bioidentical HRT products on the market that do not contain CEEs as shown in the table below, along with their common brand names. Have a read of the MMatters site under Treatments/ HRT/ Preparations for the full list and ingredients. Moreover, because it contains coumarins, interactions with warfarin and photosensitization have been reported.EPO contains high levels of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and linolenic acid, which are both omega-6 fatty acids, known to reduce inflammation. The dosage and duration of these medications most appropriate in alleviating hot flashes is unknown; however, regimens using low to moderate dosages seem to be as effective as those using high dosages and have significantly fewer reported adverse effects.When using an SSRI or SNRI to treat hot flashes and mood, it is prudent to start the medication at a low dosage and increase to effect.
Check with your doctor to determine what product would be more appropriate given your current health and risk factors.If you elect to take any of the FDA-approved hormone replacement therapies (HRT) the optimum form will depend on your health, your symptoms, personal preference, and what you need to get out of treatment.
The lack of distinction between FDA-approved bioidentical hormones (often referred to as synthetics) and compounded bioidentical hormones has resulted in considerable misunderstanding regarding exactly what BHRT is.The vast majority of advocates of BHRT are referring to the compounded versions where hormones are custom-mixed by a pharmacist – unapproved drugs.In addition to estrogen and progesterone, these compounded drugs may contain other hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and adrenal hormones extracted from animal glands. We have reported on this before.I’ve been ignorant all these years about the PMU industry, I’m so sorry. The dosage and duration of these medications most appropriate in alleviating hot flashes is unknown; however, regimens using low to moderate dosages seem to be as effective as those using high dosages and have significantly fewer reported adverse effects.When using an SSRI or SNRI to treat hot flashes and mood, it is prudent to start the medication at a low dosage and increase to effect.