HUGS!! In one clinical study, this was reported in up to 5.2% of women taking the drug. Commonly reported side effects of tamoxifen include: amenorrhea, fluid retention, hot flash, nausea, vaginal discharge, vaginal hemorrhage, weight loss, and skin changes. I have relaxed my hair prior to my cancer and had good results. Hair loss may be a common complaint in people taking tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex, Soltamox). I asked my onc and she said there was no problem, but I am just a little worried about it. Your hair may change colors, become very thin, or fall out completely.The following breast cancer treatments can affect your hair:Losing your hair can be stressful and upsetting. i have been on tamoxifen for 1 1/2 years - i color and highlite my hair every month and did so even during my treatments with no problems. The only thing I heard was not to color or perm till you've been able to cut your hair twice, I guess giving some new growth some time.The content on this site is for informational purposes only. However, other studies have not shown hair loss to be one of tamoxifen's side effects. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. Thank you all for your comments, they help and make me feel as though I can make a better decision knowing what others have experienced. Hi! Doesn't color any more...beautiful silver color...she said she didn't have any trouble...she is 83 years young.Hi Carol! I have been on it a year now and have noticed that my hair texture is changing and that it is super curly and very difficult to manage. I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years and had my hair colored every month.
Be prepared for the re-growth. Hi! Breast self-exam, or regularly examining your breasts on your own, can be an important way to...The stage of a breast cancer is determined by the cancer’s characteristics, such as how large it...Tamoxifen is the oldest and most-prescribed selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)....Stay informed about current research, online events, and more. Thanks for any help anyone might have.....carolOh, Carol, wish I could help...just started my tamoxifen today...keep me posted, please?Well, let me say 'duh'!. bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet My mom has been on Tamoxifen for 4.5 years...has her hair done weekly...perms, color, problem. I have been on it a year now and have noticed that my hair texture is changing and that it is super curly and very difficult to manage. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. I think that we should probably be a bit more careful than most. Many studies in Europe, where cold caps have been used since the 1970s, found that scalp cooling does not increase risk of scalp skin metastases, including a 2013 German study. Your hair may begin to grow back while you're still having treatment or it may take from 3 to 6 months after treatment is over to begin growing back.Follow these tips to help you manage the physical and emotional aspects of losing your hair:Cold caps — tightly fitting, strap-on hats filled with gel that’s chilled to between -15 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit — may help some women keep some or quite a bit of their hair during chemotherapy. CathyI have exactly the same problem - to color or not to color. I know that this sounds rather shallow of me but I was wondering if it is ok to use hair coloring or a hair relaxer on my hair while using tamoxifen. It’s important to know that some doctors are concerned that the caps may prevent the chemotherapy medicine from reaching cancer cells that may be in the scalp. I also had a change in texture as well as some mild thinning. Breast cancer treatment can affect the hair on your body in different ways. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
I called the info line on my tam. prescription but they were unable to help. I know that this sounds rather shallow of me but I was wondering if it is ok to use hair coloring or a hair relaxer on my hair while using tamoxifen.
Learn more about Be creative with other hair accessories. Hope this helps. Other side effects include: infection, sepsis, alopecia, constipation, cough, diarrhea, edema, increased serum aspartate aminotransferase, infrequent uterine bleeding, menstrual disease, ostealgia, vomiting, and weight gain. I was never told not to do it and didn't notice anything bad while doing it. Because the caps are so cold, they narrow the blood vessels beneath the skin of the scalp, reducing the amount of chemotherapy medicine that reaches the hair follicles. Wraps, hats, and turbans can be very fashionable and affordable. I hope that all goes well for you all and thanks again!’s EIN is 23-3082851. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and community to those touched by this disease.