The development of rash is found in at least 80% of cases. • rash that spreads to the face over timeWhile the rash may look serious, it is a typical side effect of taking amoxicillin. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Children who have In fact, the amoxicillin rash was first noticed in the 1960s in children who were being treated with ampicillin for mono, according to the The rash was reported to have developed in almost every child, between Today, far fewer children receive amoxicillin for mono because it’s an ineffective treatment, as mono is a viral illness. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission.

Still, about 30 percent of children with confirmed acute mono who are given amoxicillin will develop a rash.If your child develops hives, you can treat the reaction with over-the-counter If your child has a rash other than hives, you can also treat them with Unfortunately, rashes are one of those symptoms that can be very confusing.

Amoxicillin rash may also show up as Doctors are not sure why some people develop an amoxicillin rash.People who break out in hives do so usually because of an allergic reaction.The development of amoxicillin rash without any additional symptoms may, however, indicate that the person does not have a true allergy.Amoxicillin rash is more common in children with girls being more likely to develop one than boys.Children with the condition known as mononucleosis, or mono, who take amoxicillin, are also These days, doctors rarely prescribe amoxicillin for children with mono, as it is a viral rather than bacterial condition, and they do not consider amoxicillin to be useful.The type of rash that develops depends on whether the person is experiencing an allergic reaction to amoxicillin or not.A maculopapular rash will usually appear around 3 to 10 days after a person first takes the medication, although it can occur at any time. According to the Journal of Pediatrics, the first cases of amoxicillin rash was documented in the 1960s . While this rash most commonly occurs in children, it is only serious when associated with specific symptoms.An estimated 5 percent to 10 percent of children who take amoxicillin experience a skin rash that may take on the following appearance, according to the University of Michigan in 2009: • pink or red blotches • small, flat, spots that do not itch • spots that are on the trunk of the body (such as the back, stomach, etc.) • Any other aspects of the rash that may warrant a doctor's visit.While an amoxicillin rash may not be an allergic reaction, it can be an indicator a patient may have infectious mononucleosis, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which may live dormant in the bloodstream for some time.Because it is difficult to distinguish among a side effect, a disease indicator or an allergic reaction, it is important to have a health professional evaluate the rash should it not improve within a few days of appearing. Nall is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Tennessee. Amoxicillin and In reality, a rash is a common reaction after using penicillin.There are two types of amoxicillin rashes, one that’s more commonly caused by an allergy and one that isn’t.If you notice your child has hives after taking amoxicillin, you should call your doctor right away, as the allergic reaction could get worse.

Allergic reactions tend to get worse the more the allergen is exposed.See your doctor if your child has hives or is showing any other symptoms, such as wheezing or difficulty breathing. The drug comes in many different forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid. But an amoxicillin rash can develop at any time during the course of your child’s antibiotics.Any medication in the penicillin family, including the amoxicillin antibiotic, can lead to pretty serious rashes, including hives.

Any allergy can be very serious quickly, and even put your child at risk for death.In most cases, the rash will disappear all on its own once the medication has been stopped and it has cleared from the body.