Also, the vaginal cream can be more soothing for the inflamed, sore vaginal lining.If you are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. If you use birth control pills, you may not need to stop using them to prevent recurrent infection. D-mannose is a simple sugar found in many fruits. It is related to glucose. Another option is to use antibiotics in vaginal cream or gel form, especially if you have significant side effects when you take antibiotics by mouth. By looking at the discharge under a microscope in the office, your doctor can diagnose yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or trichomonas infection right away and start treatment.

See your doctor regarding any new discharge that does not improve when you stop using potential irritants. A change in the color or amount of discharge, accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate that you have an infection.The vagina normally contains bacteria. Changing the type or the strength of the hormone in the pill may be enough to stop symptoms from returning.If you are diabetic, controlling blood sugar levels may help to avoid recurrent infections, especially yeast infections.Infections are treated with antibiotics.

The most effective treatment is estrogen. Other possible noninfectious causes include inflammation or irritation of the vagina from a scented product such as soap, douches, pads or tampons; diabetes; or low estrogen levels as in menopause (atrophic vaginitis).You may notice a change in the color, amount or odor of discharge. No itching or blood.

A new vaginal discharge accompanied by fever, abdominal pain or pain during intercourse may indicate a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. Anything that upsets this balance may increase your risk of infection or overgrowth of any of the normal bacteria or by yeast.

If you develop abdominal pain or a fever with a new vaginal discharge, you should see a doctor the same day.Usually, the conditions that cause vaginal discharge respond to treatment within a few days.

It may become stretchy and slippery during ovulation, about two weeks after your menstrual period An oral yeast infection can alter a person's sense of taste, warn medical professionals from Women who develop a vaginal yeast infection after taking a course of antibiotics can experience intense vaginal itching as a symptom of this condition, according to medical professionals with UpToDate Treatment with antibiotics can disrupt the normal microbial balance within a woman's vagina. Occasionally, infections come back. Your doctor will use a device called a speculum to look at the cervix directly. Vaginal estrogen tablets creams or rings are the safest routes because you are exposed to lower estrogen levels compared to taking estrogen by mouth or a skin patch.Sexual partners do not have to be treated unless you are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, or you experience recurrent infections and no other factor is making you prone to infection. Based on the appearance of the vaginal walls, your doctor may make a diagnosis of atrophic vaginitisYour doctor will check the tenderness of your cervix, uterus or ovaries by placing his or her fingers inside your vagina.

It is important to take the full course of antibiotic or antifungal medication as prescribed, even if the symptoms have gone away. Her work has appeared in various online publications.

It may become stretchy and slippery during ovulation, about two weeks after your menstrual period. Your vagina, by nature, has a slight smell. Often just one dose of antibiotics by mouth is enough.