One hundred twelve nondiabetic women referred to Women's Hospital, Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Medical Center with the descriptive diagnosis of polyhydramnios made by experienced ultrasonographers were included in the study. Only patients requiring serial amniotic fluid decompressions for rapid amniotic fluid reaccumulation were enrolled in the study. Today, though, ultrasonography studies may reveal an abnormalincrease in amniotic fluid volume earlier in pregnancy, resulting in more cases beingreported. The etiology of polyhydramnios can be due to a vast variety of maternal and fetal disorders. Less commoncauses of polyhydramnios are severe fetal anemia withassociated hydrops, usually due to isoimmunization orfetal-maternal hemorrhage. Princess of Wales Unit, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham B9 5SS, UKClinical Lead Fetomaternal Medicine at the Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UKPrincess of Wales Unit, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham B9 5SS, UKClinical Lead Fetomaternal Medicine at the Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UKUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. In contrast, sudden onset ofpolyhydramnios often is symptomatic, characterized by contractions and significant ab-dominal discomfort. Possibly, fluid volume, osmolality, and elec-trolyte concentrations all contribute to amniotic fluidFrom a clinical perspective, polyhydramnios resultsfrom an overproduction of amniotic fluid or an interrup-tion in the removal of fluid from the amniotic cavity.Causes can be subdivided further into maternal or fetalorigin (Table 1). The upper limit of normal for theAFI is 20 cm, with values of 20 to 24 cm consideredmost studies. Several series havesuggested that the incidence may range up to 1.6% in a low-risk population. In addition, it would seem prudent not to use suchterm may include corticosteroid therapy to enhance fetallung maturity. A series of 12 pregnancies with ultrasonographically confirmed hydramnios is presented in detail. An etiology for polyhydramnios was apparent in 16.5% of patients with mild polyhydramnios. Except for a higher incidence of large‐for‐gestational‐age fetuses, mild polyhydramnios by itself is not associated with an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes.A thorough ultrasound assessment of the fetus, treatment of maternal disease, strategic surveillance, and timely intervention are essential to ensure optimal outcome for both mother and baby.Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. The fetalgastrointestinal tract absorbs fluid and solutes and re-turns them to the maternal compartment via the pla-centa. Mechanisms affecting amniotic fluid volume include: 1. (See the article by Gilbert in thisby gestational age. Thus, most of the fluid in the latter half ofgestation comes from the fetal kidneys and, to a lesseraround 22 to 24 weeks’ gestation and almost 50 mL/h atterm. Samples of oesophageal fluid were removed from the collection bag at the same time as tracheal and amniotic fluid samples. The fetusshould be monitored continuously at all times duringCarlson D, Platt L, Medearis A, Horenstein J. Quantifiable poly-Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Morrison JC, Whitworth NS, HendrixNW, Devoe LD. You can access the Ultrasound scanning of fetal anomaly tutorial for just £48.00 inc VAT.UK prices shown, other nationalities may qualify for reduced prices.If this tutorial is part of the member benefit package, Fellows, Members, registered Trainees and Associates should sign in to access the tutorial. The mean gestational age at presentation was 28.6 +/- 3.5 weeks. However, each woman may experience symptoms differently.