Merck Manual: "Urinary Incontinence." To combat the sleep problems associated with SNRIs, your doctor may also prescribe a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) to curb any sleep disruptions. If side effects seem intolerable, you may be tempted to stop taking an antidepressant or to reduce your dose on your own. Updated June 28, 2016. "Sleeping pills can make things worse, because people don't wake up [when their bladder is full]," she says.Bringing up the topic of urinary incontinence with your doctor or your spouse is never easy; most people are at least a bit embarrassed. Finding relief from spine-related back and neck pain often is not a simple or quick fix. Weakened pelvic floor muscles are often the cause of a common type of urinary incontinence called If nighttime incontinence is a problem, you might ask your doctor if you could take the diuretic in the morning, suggests Jennifer Anger, MD, MPH, a urologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Group in Los Angeles.That way, the volume of urine would be greater in the morning and hopefully taper off as the day goes on.Only a small percent of people with incontinence have a problem with bed-wetting, according to Anger, who estimates that about 10% of patients with incontinence wet the bed. Besides pain, other symptoms may be widespread and affect your whole life. Accessed July 19, 2017.Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Fibromyalgia is an example of a neuropathic pain condition.There are many types of antidepressants. Updated June 24, 2016. If you experience more serious side effects—such as increased heart rate, sudden numbness or headache, or blurred vision—seek medical help immediately.This class of antidepressants increases serotonin and norepinephrine by stopping their reuptake (reabsorption) into brain cells. If you experience serious side effects, including extreme nausea or blurred vision, seek medical help immediately.SSRIs boost your mood by allowing more serotonin to travel from neuron to neuron in your brain.
If you experience serious side effects, such as increased heart rate or seizures, seek medical help immediately.NDRIs are known as atypical because these drugs are chemically unrelated to other types of antidepressants, although they work in similar ways. Other side effects include nausea, dry mouth, weight gain, and drowsiness. The low dose won’t treat depression, but it should reduce your pain, relax your muscles and improve your sleep. Accessed July 19, 2017.Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) page. Pop a Tylenol ... in the same way to over-the-counter painkillers as the physical reaction underlying headaches or sore joints and muscles.
The American Geriatric Society Foundation for Healthy Aging: "Incontinence." Side effects can include drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue. Anxiety, irritability, and depression are common if you have chronic pain, and this can certainly diminish your overall sense of well-being. Bupropion (brand, Wellbutrin) is one of these medications. As always, clear communication with your doctor is essential. Accessed July 19, 2017.Simon G. Patient education: Depression treatment options for adults (Beyond the Basics). Mayo Clinic Web site. This is why antidepressants are particularly well-suited for people with neuropathic pain—that is pain that originates from the nerves. "If you need the diuretic, you need it," says Ginsberg. Don't be afraid to speak up with any questions or concerns you have about your medications.Antidepressants: Another weapon against chronic pain.