Schedule II prescriptions for patients in a LTCF or patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness shall be valid for a period not to exceed 60 days from the issue date unless sooner terminated by the discontinuance of medication. (b) The central fill pharmacy receiving the transmitted prescription must: §§1308.11 through 1308.15. Copyright © 2018 by RxList Inc. RxList does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

(g) Central fill pharmacies may not dispense controlled substances to a purchaser at retail pursuant to this section.

Discontinuation of corticosteroids may result in clinical remission.Although controlled clinical trials have shown corticosteroids to be effective in speeding the resolution of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, they do not show that corticosteroids affect the ultimate outcome or natural history of the disease. (e) A bound record book for dispensing of controlled substances under this section is maintained by the pharmacist, which book shall contain the name and address of the purchaser, the name and quantity of controlled substance purchased, the date of each purchase, and the name or initials of the pharmacist who dispensed the substance to the purchaser (the book shall be maintained in accordance with the recordkeeping requirement of 1304.04 of this chapter); and Smith or John H. Smith). For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist.Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. This refill history shall include, but is not limited to, the name of the controlled substance, the date of refill, the quantity dispensed, the identification code, or name or initials of the dispensing pharmacist for each refill and the total number of refills dispensed to date for that prescription order. PRESCRIPTION REQUIREMENTS REFILLS SALES RECORD FILES AND RECORDS Targeted Drug Substances (Part 1) Benzodiazepines and Other and interval between refills. done with corticosteroids, the use of these drugs in pregnancy, nursing mothers (c) Information pertaining to current Schedule II prescriptions for patients in a LTCF or for patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness may be maintained in a computerized system if this system has the capability to permit: 487 0 obj <>stream 31, 2010] an acute episode or exacerbation) in:During an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of:Control of severe or incapacitating allergic conditions intractable to adequate

(ii) Original number of refills authorized on original prescription. For example, this would include a refill-by-refill audit trail for any specified strength and dosage form of any controlled substance (by either brand or generic name or both). However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, online database may transfer up to the maximum refills permitted by law and the prescriber's authorization. (4) The initials of the dispensing pharmacist for each refill. It must be verified and signed by each pharmacist who is involved with such dispensing. (1) Not more than a 34-day supply or 100 dosage units, whichever is less, of the controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V is dispensed at one time; With increasing Infants born of mothers who have received substantial doses of corticosteroids during pregnancy, should be carefully observed for signs of hypoadrenalism.Average and large doses of hydrocortisone or cortisone can cause elevation of blood pressure, salt and water retention, and increased excretion of potassium.