I've had mine for 2 years on 400 mg daily of topamax and just started spotting this year, but I don't know what caused the spotting.

The copper IUD works by stopping the sperm and egg meeting and changing the lining of the uterus/womb.

"My obgyn actually rolled her eyes at me, and then I took the initiative to say 'I'm taking everything out of my body because something is really wrong.'" Disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) actually tend to increase in severity and duration after a copper IUD is implanted.Copper overload has a strong heritable component, which means that it is often passed down from generation to generation, something we call Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance (TEI). Non-hormonal methods are another safe alternative. Her doctor spoke favorably of the copper IUD because it was a “non-hormonal option.” She was implanted shortly thereafter. An IUD is a small device that usually resembles a T and is made of flexible plastic or copper. It sounds like magic, but it’s just science. Zinc is an essential nutrient in the healthy functioning of all our bodily processes. Am I reading that correctly?Depo is one of the ones topamax does not interact with. It enhances resistance to stress, maintains intellectual function, memory, and mood levels, and is an important component in the creation of all hormones. However, when the time of ovulation can be estimated, the Cu-IUD can be inserted beyond 5 days after intercourse, if necessary, as long as the insertion does not occur >5 days after ovulation. Non-hormonal methods are another safe alternative. It is not the same as Wilson’s Disease, a life threatening and rare genetic disorder where copper accumulates in vital organs and glands.Copper has the ability to profoundly affect every system in the body especially the reproductive, nervous, and glandular systems, and it has a devastating effect on mental health. Fungal control turns to candida. This was the result of a hip replacement she had undergone several years prior.Frances, 47, was 39 when the cobalt alloy hips were implanted. Women aren't being warned that there are any side effects beside cramps and bleeding. She experienced adverse mental health conditions in the months that followed, and a year later, in 2017, after being prescribed the highest dose of antidepressants, she decided to have the device removed.The Copper IUD (intrauterine device) was first marketed to women in the early 1970s and has since been the contraceptive choice for 150 million women worldwide, according to a study published by While manufacturers insist that the device is safe for use, recent complaints surrounding the adverse side effects has many questioning just how much is known about the tiny, coiled devices. Zinc is also a major player in the creation of our bodies master antioxidants, metallothionein and glutathione, both of which are needed for every body system to function optimally and protect us from disease.Without adequate zinc, we become prone to pathogenic infections as well as diseases caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells.Practitioners are often told to inform patients that adverse menstrual irregularities will eventually subside after insertion of a copper IUD, but I have found the opposite to be true. No one had any idea what was going on with me." Her byline can be found in Playboy, Rewire News, i-D, Broadly and various other corners of the internet. It wasn't until Sadie was referred to a functional medicine doctor by her therapist that she received validation surrounding the health impacts of copper toxicity.
Who knows.Press J to jump to the feed. It is through sharing that we create community, eliminate guilt and shame, and bring about healing.Enter your email below to learn all about the best way to understand your own copper levels with hair analysis.

She is also a visual artist who works with small-scale sculptures. This makes it difficult for a fertilised egg to stick to the lining to start a pregnancy. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

Kirby tells Today, she’s fully healed and strives to educate other women about the dangers of copper toxicity, in addition to running a soul healing platform.For people like Sadie and Kirby who discover the dangers of copper toxicity through the adverse health symptoms it can cause, Made with the intention of providing people coping with copper (CU) toxicity support and information, the site articulates that excessive copper is an “excitotoxin,” which causes the adrenals to weaken from over-stimulation. At this point they are almost daily and I’m ready for some relief. Public complaint prompted FDA research, and in September 2019, the administration released a The paper states that the copper IUDs have similar side effects to Essure with pain, heavy bleeding, and device expulsion. It is a T-shaped plastic frame with copper wire coiled around the stem and two copper sleeves along the arms that continuously release copper into the lining of the uterus. If you know of someone that is experiencing negative side-effects after insertion of a copper IUD, please share this post. It has been estimated that almost 85% of females (of all age ranges) are adversely affected by a common, yet little known condition called copper overload or copper toxicity, and have no idea it’s the cause of their distress.