One study suggests that weight gain most commonly occurs between months 2 and 3 of treatment and stabilizes after 6 to 9 months.Some literature indicates that there is no established relationship between dosage and weight gain.
You will find benefit in maintaining a plant based diet. Most people won’t notice any significant fluctuations in body weight throughout their treatment. One unwanted side effect that has been reported in a small percentage of users is weight gain. You may want to develop an exercise regimen of half an hour each day. When talking about possible side effects of a medicine, some people have reported weight gain problems. I’ve lost a little bit & stopped putting any on more importantly & lumping the pain!I forgot to add that other side effects I had on the Gabapentin, which I thought would wear off when I got used to taking it, but didn’t – increasingly forgetful, important things like appointments I would completely forget on the day, I was not ‘with it’ at all, thinning hair, better mood alternated with increased anxiety & it affected my speech, some of the time I sounded like I’d ‘had a few.’The bedtime dose used to knock me out to sleep & not wake up in pain in the night.
Some people have experienced its side effects or they haven’t noticed positive effects on them while using the medication, therefore, they wanted to discontinue the drug from its use. It is more common among those who are on a higher dosage therapy.When taking Gabapentin, it is important to consider other drugs in combination with it. It is a possible side effect which does not have to happen in all people using this medication, but it can be accompanied downside.Some people have noticed a change in their taste receptors while taking Gabapentin. It can result in low energy which can lead to less movement and low physical activity.When on Gabapentin, some people claim that they’ve had cravings towards carbohydrates and sugary food.
Started gaining weight a month or so in. Someone getting a poor night’s sleep consistently and/or an individual with high stress is much more likely to gain weight.
It is commonly prescribed as an off-label drug for any of the conditions mentioned above. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with a medical doctor. (2) Drowsiness: Responding to drowsiness through sleep reduces your overall physical activity, thus resulting in weight gain. Best of luck, Linda! Always conduct a cost-benefit analysis and determine the severity of the weight gain compared to the benefit derived from Gabapentin treatment. It can end up in overeating and get more and more sugary food which can result in weight changes and gain some extra pounds.It is possible to have alterations among hormonal levels, although it isn’t obligatory while taking this medication. What would explain the difference between these two individuals?
A Even though Gabapentin isn’t considered positively weight gain changer, it can happen with some patients. Genetics as well as epigenetics or gene expression in response to the environment.Based on the fact that few studies exist analyzing Gabapentin’s effect on bodyweight, it is difficult to predict how much weight you’ll gain while taking the drug. ).I’ve found everyone’s comments extremely helpful, having been taking Gabapentin for 3 1/2 years, my weight has gradually crept up by at least 2 & 1/2 stone. Moreover it looks like someone stuffed cottage cheese at my armpits. Always talk to a medical professional to assess your options that may include: If you ended up gaining weight while taking Gabapentin, be sure to share a comment below with some details. There are many theories in regards to why you may pack on some extra poundage while taking Gabapentin.There are many factors that may influence weight gain (or change) on Gabapentin. Never had a problem with weight before. Some people may notice no weight gain when they first start taking the drug, but may start to pack on some extra baggage after a year.