
J Sex Med 4:1708–1712Olsen EA, Hordinsky M, Whiting D et al (2006) The importance of dual 5α-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride vs. finasteride. Ther Clin Risk Manag 7:337–344Golan DETJA, Armstrong EJ, Armstrong AW (2011) Principles of pharmacology: the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy, 3rd revised international ed edition ed.

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Vaccine associated reports are kept separately with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Data Sets, but both are available online at all times.

SAK: manuscript editing. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. 2013 May;1(1):24-41. doi: 10.1002/smrj.3. J Urol 163:460–463Moreira ED Jr, Lbo CF, Diament A, Nicolosi A, Glasser DB (2003) Incidence of erectile dysfunction in men 40 to 69 years old: results from a population-based cohort study in Brazil. Br J Psychol 86(Pt 3):337–344Baas WR, Butcher MJ, Lwin A et al (2018) A review of the FAERS data on 5-α reductase inhibitors: implications for postfinasteride syndrome.

Version 03/03/2015.

Unable to load your collection due to an error The frequency procedure in SAS was utilized to summarize rates of AEs between various dosages of each drug.A total of 16,014 case reports were obtained.

SDI Vector One®. Urology 61:431–436Lim KB (2017) Epidemiology of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Am Acad Dermatol 55:1014–1023Rittmaster RS, Lemay A, Zwicker H et al (1992) Effect of finasteride, a 5α-reductase inhibitor, on serum gonadotropins in normal men. Urology 120:143–149Clinical and Translational Science Center at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USADepartment of Urology, New York Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USAMount Sinai Department of Urology, Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY, USADepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Weill Cornell Medical College, 425 East 61st Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY, 10065, USADepartment of Urology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USAYou can also search for this author in Reports identified one or more adverse effects, along with all concurrent medications. Psychological correlates of hair loss in males. FDA Drug Safety Communication: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) may increase the risk of a more serious form of prostate cancer [Internet]. J Sex Med 8:872–884Mulhall JP, Luo X, Zou KH, Stecher V, Galaznik A (2016) Relationship between age and erectile dysfunction diagnosis or treatment using real-world observational data in the USA. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89:2179–2184Wessells H, Roy J, Bannow J et al (2003) Incidence and severity of sexual adverse experiences in finasteride and placebo-treated men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Traish AM, Hassani J, Guay AT, Zitzmann M, Hansen ML (2011) Adverse side effects of 5α-reductase inhibitors therapy: persistent diminished libido and erectile dysfunction and depression in a subset of patients. Br J Dermatol 141:398–405Wells PA, Willmoth T, Russell RJ (1995) Does fortune favour the bald? It has been determined by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Weill Cornell Medical College that it meets eligibility for IRB review exemption authorized by 45 CFR part 46.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.Immediate online access to all issues from 2019.