)La vaca – La vaca produce leche para alimentar a sus terneros.The cow – The cow produces milk to feed its calves.El buey – Los bueyes halan la carreta de un lado a otro.The ox – The oxen pulls the cart from side to side.La gallina – Las gallinas ponen muchos huevos a la semana.El gallo – El gallo canta todas la mañanas al salir el sol.The rooster – The rooster sings every morning when the sun rises.El cerdo (formal) – Los cerdos están revolcándose en el lodo.The pig (formal) – The pigs are wallowing in the mud.El chancho (informal) – Mira que gordo está ese chancho.El pavo – Ese pavo es peligroso. Aviencloud – Music for everyone! You have already completed the quiz before.
Make sure to solve the interactive quiz about the recording. – (What other animals would he like to have? Watch Queue Queue )¿Qué otros animales le gustaría tener? Vocabulary introduction: A list of Farm Animals in Spanish. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: ¿Dónde está la granja de Fernando? It will be an interesting lesson for sure and we are certain that you will learn a couple of new things from it. Siempre sigue a las personas.The turkey – That turkey is dangerous. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: Listen to the conversation again and get the information necessary in order to solve the exercises in this short listening quiz. If you learned a lot with this video, stop by our Spanish language learning website and get other language learning content including other great videos like this one, audio podcasts, review materials, blogs, iPhone apps, and more. Uno – Este animal tiene cuatro patas y produce leche que los humanos podemos beber.It’s time for the main listening activity in this lesson. This video is unavailable. )Fernando tiene varios animales. Below, there is a list of farm animals in Spanish and some basic sentences using these words. Click on Start Quiz when you are ready. Watch Queue Queue. Whether you are cruising through the Spanish countryside or stopping in at a quaint farm in Mexico, you can use these new words to describe what animals you see. ¡Hola y bienvenido! He always chases people.La oveja – La oveja tiene un pelaje rizado muy suave llamado lana.The sheep – The sheep has a very soft curly coat called wool.La cabra – Las cabras son muy ruidosas, pero su leche es muy nutritiva.The goat – Goats are very noisy, but their milk is very nutritious.El caballo – ¿Te gusta montar a caballo? Animals in Spanish has 2 lessons for children and beginners learning Spanish. Watch Queue Queue. Before moving on to the listening activities in this lesson, it is really important that you are able to recognize the key vocabulary for this topic. Let’s start…Before moving on to the listening activities in this lesson, it is really important that you are able to recognize the key vocabulary for this topic. The first lesson is about Pets and the second lesson is about Farm animals. ¿Cuál de estas cosas es VERDADERA sobre las gallinas?Selecciona las oraciones que presentan información verdadera.¿Qué opina Fernando de los pavos? We have included part of the vocabulary and phrases introduced in the examples above, as well as little about Carlos: Fernando, escuché que compraste una granja en las afueras de la ciudad.Conversation script: Talking about farm animals in SpanishSpelling Words in Spanish: Examples and Listening PracticeDomestic Animals and Pets in Spanish: Listening PracticeHow to Order Fast Food in Spanish: Phrases and ConversationsCountries and Nationalities in Spanish: Phrases and Listening Practice – Yes, I do.El burro/asno – El burro es un animal muy terco pero muy bueno para cargar cosas.The donkey – Donkeys are a very stubborn animals but they are very good at carrying things.El perro – El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre y el protector de la finca.The dog – A dog is a man’s best friend and the protector of a farm.El conejo – Los conejos se reproducen muy rápidamente.The first listening activity will be a little challenging.
“We will also introduce key phrases that people often use when talking about them these animals, such as “Listen to the recording again and choose the animal that best fits each description. (Where is Fernando’s farm? Your job will be to identify the farm animals in Spanish that the speaker is describing. Watch Queue Queue – Si, me gusta muchoThe horse – Do you like to ride horses? This video is unavailable. – (What does Fernando say about turkeys? Some of the sentences include basic adjectives to describe animals, which will be placed after nouns, e.g. ¡Buena suerte!
Below, there is a list of farm animals in Spanish and some basic sentences using these words. Hence you can not start it again. Hence you can not start it again.