If the supreme court properly limits themselves public opinion will prevail. We hope our research will help equip citizens to make better, more informed choices.Our study showed that most Americans supported the liberal side in the key cases before the court this term. Subscribe to this fee journal for more curated articles on this topic Put Racial Politics Above Safety of Black ResidentsCourt Wrong to Block Justice Department From Dropping Charges Against FlynnFight to Replace Scalia Proves Supreme Court Has Become Too Powerful

The supreme court should stick to the constitution and limit themselves by the constitution. The ONLY way something drastic could happen is for the people to vote in a president and/or congressmen so radical as to purge the supreme court by either removing several fo them, or by appointing more people to minimize the opinion of those there now.

263, 2010, Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper No. Possibly Yes (But We’re Not Sure Why) (June 19, 2012).

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Our analysis could be read to support this view, but it is equally consistent with another mechanism: that “the people” include the Justices. Is Roberts—who was the swing vote on a lot of these cases—particularly sensitive to the public mood?


We hope to conduct this survey every year moving forward, so we will soon know the answer.

In only a few cases—for example, a religious scholarships case—did the majority of people in our study support the conservative side.So, what did we expect from this court?

The monopoly elected institutions had on claiming to hold public mandate has been broken.

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The framers of the U.S. Constitution understood that certain things—the protection of minority rights, for example—should never be subject to the whims of public sentiment.

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Our study proceeds as follows.

First, they are appointed. By Despite their best efforts to validate basic claims about the effect of public opinion on the Court, the evidence remains mixed at best.