First thing I noticed is my head felt better. I am glad to be medication free for the first time in 14 years.
Height = 5ft 10in Weight = 125lbs. Actually I have had the "skipped beats" in one form or another for over 40 years.Still looking for answers? There were many days I wanted to take it again, but I am glad I didn't. I am still taking the Bystolic. Flecainide is a prescription medication used primarily for the treatment of tachyarrhythmias (abnormal rhythms of the heart) as well as atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). Other than that 2 to 3 years in between and currently 3 1/2 years. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. No afib but blips. Some split it into smaller pieces, taking 7/8 of a pill, then 3/4, then 5/8 and so on. He has more than four years of experience in appliance and electrical repairs. I'm sure other folks will chime in with their versions of an AFib episode.Thumper2 (Judy)
The 4 month old pacemaker for SSS keeps HR from dropping too low which also helps the balance issue. We are all different, so always keep that in mind! I did have shortness of breath (SOB) when walking up stairs or on slight inclines, but I don't know if that's the same as "difficulty breathing." They terrify me, but so does this medication.
Few studies have looked at the clinical effects of pill-splitting.
I had a cryoablation on 11/21/17. Also a mild headache. I was seeing an EP, but he only wants to up my dosage, so I have switched to another cardio recommended by several people I know.
Having just read of Jean's experience I realize that I was probably foolhardly to get off Flecainide without supervision, though when I initially cut the 100 mg x 2 per day down to 50md X2 per day it was with the cardiologist's approval and with no warning of the dangers of doing it suddenly. Had a circumferential pulmonary vein isolation ablation (all four veins done) in May and happy to report that afib episodes have ceased. I did notice an increase in both my bp and heart rate when the Metoprolol was stopped. Has anyone else had this problem? If this will not occur or Afibers can't experience it it is ok right.
Classified as an lc arrhythmic agent, it is prescribed under … I have started to feel that there is little benefit as in March alone I was in Af on at least 14 different days. I have been taking 2.5mg last 5 months and...Hi - does anyone have any experience of coming off Flecainide and how to do it? By the 5 or 6th day I went into afib due to the absence of the flecainide. At my 3 month follow up in February, we stopped the Metoprolol. Now I am on 2.5 Bisoprolol just to help my damaged heart. I bitterly regret what I did and I'm back on the 2 x 100 Flec, but although it helps it hasn't stopped the AF.I was thinking of doing the same with the Flecanide because of side effects. Some people shave off small bits of the pill, increasing the amount shaved off until nothing is left. Thank you for the replies with such helpful information. Update: Well it has been two weeks now without Flecainide and still no afib episodes and much better balance. It then stopped working and I had an ablation. 5 Stars. I have tinnitus, visual disturbances, headaches, a lot of dizziness or sense of being off balance. Just wondering how you are doing now? Pretty nervous about that since they are going to inject me …
Now if the afib will just stay away...
I have been on 150 mg of Flecainide twice a day since last Dec. and 100 mg twice a day for five years prior to that. After the first day of 50 mg Flecainide once a day (24 hrs.) Select one or more newsletters to continue.