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Learn about the most common animal bites, risk factors for infection, and patient and bite wound management.From Ebola to yellow fever, rising global travel is increasing travelers' exposure to severe and life-threatening disorders. 62 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8DE92A1A95813B324FAD14B30384E43A><39ACA0D8ACB3C34A878FDB85DE557010>]/Index[47 28]/Info 46 0 R/Length 78/Prev 68316/Root 48 0 R/Size 75/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Questions about its potential role in COVID-19 and new studies investigating both benefits and potential adverse effects made metformin this recent top trending clinical topic.The National Comprehensive Cancer Network issued updated guidelines on management of Hodgkin lymphoma.An older man presents with a worsening diffuse rash that now covers 30-40% of his body surface area. Plus, search the MEDLINE database for journal articles.Medscape is the leading online destination for healthcare professionals seeking clinical information. Easily compare tier status for drugs in the same class when considering an alternative drug for your patient.Medscape Reference features 129 medical calculators covering formulas, scales, and classifications. %%EOF %PDF-1.5 %���� (R� �)C�w@�agg���\E&6�H�{w��l�g�&IApE�"T�GN+Q���и��6S6��D����9:�6��8-5 h�b```f``2``a`����π �@ �X��j����i�.|�a�������]`�`�h�``h@Vb��\@�l�1�>�Wo*P8�`T�Vd�z���/=�`i F��@����X���t ��h ` 3�8 dosage of cefixime syrup klein The case is as much a forceful reproof of an era of free-wheeling trading by hedge funds, as it is a condemnation of SAC’s culture as an alleged breeding ground for traders and analysts angling for that extra edge by trafficking in illegal tips about corporate earnings and buyouts.

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