I did not blame the implant for my weight gain at all- I did specify that when I got the implant I was watching what I ate, or exercising much, as I am small and have never really had to, but then all of a sudden I had gradually gained a lot of weight- it was in trying to loose the weight that I said the implanon came into play.Again you are very harsh calling me 'fat', like I said we are all here for the same reasons. I'm getting mine out on April 5. On almost every hormonal birth control method, one of the first listed side effects is weight gain. Had it removed due to other side effects a few weeks ago and have had the most substantial weight loss I have experienced in that entire year and a half despite not changing my routine in the slightest. Not sure how you can say a hormonal birth control would not have any effect. :)Still looking for answers? I had mine for a year and a half, gained a bit but mostly had trouble losing the weight. I have been working out at the gym almost every day for a couple months now and nothing seems to help. I gained probably 20 pounds in the 8 months I've had Nexplanon in. Before you decide please look at the cost of Nexplanon to help you decide if it is a better option than other forms of contraception.If you do decide to take Nexplanon or any other form of hormonal birth control please talk to your doctor right away if you notice significant weight gain. Firstly we are all on this site for the same reason, so don't be so harsh to other people and secondly, NO-ONE can dictate to someone else about why their weight is the way it is.This topic is for those who want to discuss the difficulty of loosing weight whilst on the implant and any success/ failure to loose it when the implant is removed! Then can you explain my situation?

I'm not gaining weight, but I'm really not losing any despite exercise and eating healthily/cutting calories. I haven't weighed mine but I would guess that it doesn't add that mush to the scales. There is hope, ladies.

Staff; Board of Directors; Our Partners I have the implanon and in the time it has been in have lost over 20lb......I think it is unfair to blame weight gain on contraception, its what you put in your mouth that makes you fat.Umm I think birth control does have a bit to do with weight gain. Implant is a problem. Thanks for the posts, it helped me feel better. The mood swings with nexplanon were no joke in my experience. Yes you are choosing to put the food in your mouth, but elevated levels of progesterone affect your body comp, how that food is metabolized, etc. No issues with my moods, emotions, hormones, sex drive, nada. I think it was fat and not water weight because it is taking a while but the weight is coming off. It took about 2 months to lose all of it with heavy cardio. and MOST importantly makes it much more difficult to lose that weight. Some is... but no matter what I do I can't lose it. Best wishes, Rose Two years later I am sharing free information with the masses….Mr. I don't want my fiancee looking at me with disgust anymore I want to be that thin girl with the pretty butt again. I still have not had AF show up.As far as weight loss, I am finding it easier to lose weight after coming off the Implanon and BC. If so, testing before starting a new birth control method is a must.The implant releases a continuous amount of the progestin hormone etonogestrel. These reported side effects of Nexplanon removal include irregular periods, pelvic cramping and pain, migraines, severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, acne, and spontaneous weight loss . No periods or bleeding either. From nov1 to dec1 I put on 13 lbs. Anecdotally, some women who have recently had Nexplanon removed report unpleasant "side effects" of the removal. Thats great! I had a Nexlanon implant and also gained some weight on it.

How fast did your weight come off with the exercise ?I was taking boxing classes when I got it removed.

and MOST importantly makes it much more difficult to lose that weight. In clinical trials with the non-radiopaque etonogestrel implant (IMPLANON), the etonogestrel levels in blood decreased below sensitivity of the assay by one week after removal of the implant. Clearly, this tapered dose that is much higher in year one than year three has the potential for more side effects, which could include weight gain.While no studies have currently looked at Nexplanon weight gain during year 1, 2 and 3 the high influx of the progestin like hormone disturbs your natural hormone balance.

As the title says, today I'm having my Implanon (rod) removed. How can you tell someone it has nothing to do with that? Scottish_Lass Member Posts: 76 Member Posts: 76. Nexplanon was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for long term contraception, lasting up to three years. I have been working out at the gym almost every day for a couple months now and nothing seems to help. Reed is a Doctor of Pharmacy and well known Author.