These newborn foals are generally taken away from their mothers within a few days or weeks of birth. The foal she ends up nursing, however, is NOT the foal that she has just given birth to, nor does her foal benefit from any it's own mother’s milk. While we do “rescue” these fragile babies, they are not free. The normal adoption requirements will apply. They are all in need of loving homes to replace the mamas they have lost, but with proper care, they will blossom into wonderful companions, riding horses and even sport horses.The White Bird Appaloosa Horse Rescue works to find homes for nurse mare foals. Nurse mare foal adopters should be located in the central Virginia area, have skill in working with foals, adequate facilities to house them, and good veterinary references. …so that they may live the remainder of their lives in safety and dignityNurse mare foals are the by-product of an industry that supplies lactating mares, or “nurse mares,” to foals whose natural parents have been lost, or taken away from their babies for commercial reasons, such as rebreeding.
Shortly after she gives birth, the nurse mare, without her newborn by her side, is transported to a stable which has a much more valuable foal in residence who needs the nurse mare’s milk.
The natural foals of the nurse mares are expensive to raise by hand, and having little value, they are sometimes left to fend for themselves or die. Since nurse mare foals are viewed as merely a means to an end, they have no value to the nurse mare farm beyond a price per pound. Please visit United Pegasus to learn more, see the horses and make a donation. The lactating mares are then used as surrogate mothers for foals from other horses. A few reputable nurse mare farms find homes for their foals, but that level of compassion is rare. United Pegasus also has PMU mares and foals of various ages available for adoption. Without intervention, from Lucky Horse Equine Rescue and others like it, most nurse mare foals are discarded, left to die or dumped at auction, which means almost certain death. More often, however, it is because that foal’s mother (most often a expensive thoroughbred) isn’t able to continue nursing her own foal. Without intervention, from Lucky Horse Equine Rescue and others like it, most nurse mare foals are discarded, left to die or dumped at auction, which … In the hopes of rescuing as many orphan nurse mare foals as possible, Lucky Horse works with selected nurse mare farms who have agreed to keep their doors open to us. Your cart is empty. Rescuing nurse mare foals is a very expensive business. Foals are a by-product of this business, so they might as well be foals that can be sold. Depending on how small they are when rescued, many need bottle fed every four hours and the milk replacer is very expensive. The milk replacer costs $100 per bag and 1-5 bags per day depending on how many foals are in need. Nurse mare foals below from left to right: Clyde, Moose and Shiloh, rescued by Adopt-a-Foal. Foal Rescue .
~ Bolton, MA 01740All contributions to LHER, a 501(c)3 organization, are tax-deductable under section 170 of the Internal Revenue CodeAll contributions to Lucky Horse Equine Rescue, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.Providing homes for the youngest and most vulnerable equines When one thinks of an orphan, they often imagine a situation where the parents have passed away, leaving the youngter to the care of an orphanage and hopefully adoption. They are often draft crosses, but they can be any breed or mixture of breeds. We must purchase the foals, procure health certificates, transport them to Bolton, Massachusetts, assign our volunteers to round-the-clock shifts to feed them milk formula and provide veterinary care and medications. The nurse mare’s newborn foal is taken away from her within a few days or a few weeks of its birth. To understand the predicament of these foals, one must be introduced to the business of nurse mares. Sometimes a valuable mare has died and her potentially valuable foal needs a wet nurse in order to survive. We have to stop this! They receive “snap tests” to be sure they are healthy enough to wean, after which they are weaned in pairs to reduce the stress.In the spring, on a space-and-resource-available basis, we make several trips to nurse mare farms to retrieve these still vulnerable, downy-haired and wobbly-legged foals. These obliging farms allow us to evaluate their nurse mares and have assured us that the nurse mare foals will stay with their mothers for their first week of life (which doesn'’t sound like much, but is better than the usual 1-2 days). A few reputable nurse mare farms find homes for their foals, but that level of compassion is rare. Since nurse mare foals are viewed as merely a means to an end, they have no value to the nurse mare farm beyond a price per pound. … If you have foal experience and a big heart, we want to hear from you! More. Slaughter is still legal in Canada, so there is always the fear of these horses going to slaughter if they …
They are beautiful! About Nurse Mare Foals. Many are Belgian, Draft and Percheron. We rescue orphaned nurse mare foals from being euthanized, get them healthy, and then find … where the money goes The foals range from 2 days old to a couple weeks old when we get …