Allergy, antihistamines don't work KiuneCailin. By using this Site you agree to the following

Specialised cells and chemicals, which defend your body, can now get access to the area. This decreases your body's reaction to allergens and therefore helps to reduce the troublesome symptoms associated with allergy. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you on how to take your medication, including what dose and how often. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. I was prescribed a week course of prednisone and was told to begin claritin and a nasal spray.
It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. The swelling comes and goes during the day and does not seem to correlate with anything that I am doing or eating. I have been dealing with what I think is an allergic reaction for about two months now. Diphenhydramine (Nytol®) is sold over the counter as a sleep remedy.An antihistamine tablet typically starts to work within 30 minutes after being taken. I have been dealing with what I think is an allergic reaction for about two months now. It will also occur occasionally in the back of tongue, the back of mythroat/above the roof of my mouth and my jaw. At one point the swelling became very intense in my throat. (Whereas, in the stomach, histamine made by cells that line the stomach helps to produce acid for food digestion. Sometimes you may need to experiment and try more than one to find the one that works best for you. You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our Can I drink alcohol when I'm taking an antihistamine?Is it safe to take antihistamines with other medicines? First generation antihistamines, like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and Chlor-Trimeton (Chlorpheniramine), should be used cautiously by older folks because they can increase your risk of falling or having urination difficulty.. My tongue, jaw and chin will become extremely painful and tense. For example, dry mouth, blurred vision and retention of urine. If you have hay fever you may take the medicine throughout the pollen season.Most people who take antihistamines do not have any serious side-effects.

Antihistamines should not be used by people with a rare metabolic disorder called Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding are usually advised not to take antihistamines.

Subscribe to MedHelp's free newsletter for Community Support, Experience, and Guidance. I felt great on the prednisone, no pain or swelling. For example, cyclizine and promethazine teoclate are used for feeling sick (nausea) and being sick (vomiting), not for hay fever. Antihistamines do come through in small quantities into breast milk, although they are not known to cause any harm.A full list of people who should not take antihistamines is included with the information leaflet that comes in the medicine packet. So the answer is be wary and don't overdo it!Some medicines may interact with antihistamines, increasing the side-effects of either or both medicines. Has anyone else experienced this problem where antihistamines were doing nothing for what is thought to be an allergic reaction? This decreases your body's reaction to allergens and therefore helps to reduce the troublesome symptoms associated with allergy.Antihistamines are also used in the treatment of feeling sick (nausea) and being sick (vomiting). Zyloprim: llopurinol is an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, a substance in the body that is responsible for the product of uric acid. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. I will look when I have the sensation but nothing actually looks swollen.