Also taking Caltrate and Vitamin D. I saw that bananas were a problem with levothyroxine -- is this true ??
I need to figure out a schedule for taking the weekly fosamax with levothyroxine -- both on empty stomach first thing in the morning.
I, too, had cancer - Still looking for answers? Should I be taking Fosamax at all because of potential jaw necrosis?You are doing the right regimen keeping them apart and not eating for an hour.
Take Synthroid once a day, every day at the same time before breakfastTake Synthroid with only water and on an empty stomachWait 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating or drinking anything other than waterRemember, certain foods and supplements can interfere with SynthroidLearn about common misconceptions around treating hypothyroidism. It is meant to replace a hormone that is usually made by your thyroid gland. Generally,SYNTHROID® (levothyroxine sodium) tablets, for oral use is a prescription, man-made thyroid hormone that is used to treat a condition called hypothyroidism. These medications may cause some risk when taken together. Take with a full glass (6 to 8 ounces) of plain water. These medications may cause some risk when taken together. I am dealing with cancer myself but a different kind. bm55 08/01/2012.
Is there anyone else here taking both? This copyrighted material has been downloaded from a licensed data provider and is not for distribution, except as may be authorized by the applicable terms of use.Things to remember when you fill your prescription.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Select one or more newsletters to continue. The study is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 6,024 people who take Fosamax and Synthroid from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is updated regularly. If you take alendronate only once per week, take it on the same day each week and always first thing in the morning. I would ask your doctor about the jaw problems though soon so you don't have something else to worry about, cancer is bad enough. you get up for the day and .
I do have thyroid disease and take synthroid for … I ceased taking Fosamax and am pretty much right again. If you eat any of these on a regular basis, check with your doctor. go back to bed for an hour or so and then have breakfast at about 8am so on the day I take the fosamax would it be taking the Trying to figure out the best way to take the meds as I know calcium interferes with thyroid medication, so the 2 medications cannot be taken together. Trying to figure out the best way to take the meds as I know calcium interferes with thyroid medication, so the 2 medications cannot be taken together. I need to figure out a schedule for taking the weekly fosamax with levothyroxine -- both on empty stomach first thing in the morning. It's important to always take your medication exactly as your doctor prescribed.Foods containing soy and cottonseed meal can make Synthroid less effective. I usually wake at 3 a.m. so I take my synthroid then, since I have to take gemfibrozil EVERY day 30 minutes before my first meal. Because the onset and half life are so long, the "exact" time is not as significant but taking it apart from other things which can affect absorption (food, calcium, other meds) is because it will, in effect, change the amount you are receiving.
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Does Fosamax Tablet Interact with other Medications? One possible suggestion, in this case, would be to take Fosamax (alendronate) in the morning, but take levothyroxine at night, 3 to 4 hours after the last meal. In order for Synthroid to be effective, it should always be taken the same way every day. However, I would discuss this with your Dr. to see if he/she agrees.
It is meant to replace a hormone that is usually made by your thyroid gland.
before I take the Fosamax.