I did have some bad cramps about half way home and had to pull over. When I say debilitating, I mean debilitating. Unfortunately, in the US the Copper IUD may not cost as low as $150 as mentioned on your post. IUDs don’t protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The doctor said “if felt like I was pulling your uterus out with it” – tell me about it, lady! I would be sitting in a meeting at work and the pain would come out of nowhere, leaving me panting. We are becoming educated. But I don’t want to get pregnant either. It’s been about 2 months since I’ve had the copper IUD.Before I had and IUD ever, I used to have heavy periods, and now that I have the copper, my periods are now heavy again.The copper IUD does make periods heavier but it does not cause infertility or cancer or depression. This was not in the pamphlet I was given.Due to hormonal birth control methods making me suicidal and my husband unable to use condoms, I wanted a copper IUD. Some people may experience … You can call me if you would like me to tell you about it, 1-218-464-7611. She was impressed with the supplement regimen that I put myself on after reading the book.I’ve had a copper iud for 4 years NEVER EVER EVER had a std of any kind and was just diagnosed with PID. All rights reserved. If practicing FAM with irregular cycles OR a wacky sleep schedule, it’s extremely important to understandand chart cervical mucus.I have never been comfortable with hormonal birth control. I need some advice please. If you have a hormonal IUD, your periods may become lighter. Having the doctor remove it was uncomfortable and it was mangled and contorted from having the mass grow over it. I don’t want to take more pain pills so I just ride it out. Thank you!I had a copper IUD fitted when I was 26, had zero problems other than VERY painful insertion (I’m childless) and VERY painful cramping for 48 hours prior.Is it ok to take Turmeric if you have GERDS and/or ulcers When LH is only a few points higher than FSH, is Vitex still an option?Yes, in most cases. Once this is addressed, the copper IUD can be an amazing thing.I’m currently looking at coming off the contraceptive pill and was researching between both the hormonal ans copper IUD. I decided to start the cream on my own in May, and it has cleared up ALL of my symptoms! It can be caused by low iron in your diet, but heavy bleeding also lowers your iron stores. It certainly could be the copper. Thanks for sharing your story.How does one know if they are taking “too many” supplements that act as “blood thinners.” For instance, is Fish Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Digestive Enzymes, Systematic Enzymes and Cinnamon & Vitex &Do NAC & Curcumin really cause Kidney Stones from Cysteine build up and is there anything you can do to prevent thisI’m aware of the supposed risk of renal stone formation from N-acetyl cysteine, but my understanding is that it’s very rare.
I think it’s taken a good two years to get back to a normal cycle – my periods are finally regular just over two years after stopping hormonal BC.I went dairy free for two months, and experienced two pain-free periods. Periods typically become lighter and less painful with time. The only minor downside (for me/my body) is that my flow is heavier and lasts a day longer (4 days instead of 3). I want other women to know this can happen. Recently in a new eco I don’t have cysts anymore but now I have some myomas.May you give an advice about a birth control method?If you tend to heavy periods, then a copper IUD will probably not be a good choice. And, Yes, clearly some women do react badly to the copper IUD.
Apart from the Dr and nurse being in white cloaks, and the room feeling a bit more like a surgical theatre, it was actually a lot like a pap smear.