Europe remained free of Muslim control only because Charles Martel turned back the Islamic "desert riders" at the famous battle of Tours in 732. Muhammad, after a long quarrel, appropriated much of their property, and his first actual conquest was the oasis of Khaibar, occupied by the Jews, in 628. In the midst of this volatile environment, a man named 'Abd al-Muttalib, who had a number of different wives from different clans, went searching for a bride for one of his sixteen children. The time was ripe for a new religion that would unify the Arabian tribes and bring order out of chaos while satisfying the spiritual hunger of the people. Note also that no one is responding to you in a serious way except in derision.
He came to me while I was asleep, with a coverlet of brocade whereon was some writing, and said, "Read!" Marriage to Khadija, a wealthy Meccan woman of the merchant class, enabled Muhammad to devote himself exclusively to religious and ethical problems. A member of the aristocratic but impoverished Banu-Hashim family of the Quraysh clan, Muhammad was orphaned at an early age.
]It was written by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the proclaimer and warner [Whoever holds to Islam, abides by it, and whoever breaks the covenant contained in this testament, and transgresses [That I protect their judges in my fortified borderlines [I place them under my protection from any damage or harm [Having authority over them, I must govern them, protecting them from all damage and ensuring that no harm happens to them that does not happen to me and my Companions who, along with me, protect this ascribed authority.I block from them the harm in the supplies which obliges the people of the pact [It is not permitted to remove a bishop from his bishopric or a Christian from his Christianity, a monk from his monastic life or a pilgrim from his pilgrimage or a hermit monk from his tower.
Finally one angel cried out, "Leave him alone, for by God, if you weighed him against all his people he would outweigh them." So after all Muhammad did not win his battle against those idolatress or idol worshipers; it was them, specially their leaders, who won by deception, tricks and lies, and their reward was great: wealth from nations conquered, sex with women of all colors, slaves without numbers, a life in leisure and ease while those brainwashed by their own so-called holy books of Islam did all the fighting, martyrdom and conquests for them. At Muhammad's funeral service, according to Robert S. Ellwood and Barbara A. McGraw in O ye people, if anyone worships Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, but if anyone worships Allah, he [Allah] is alive and dies not! On the contrary, they should aim to restore that religion, out of faithfulness to the pact of the Messenger of Allah, by pure donation, and as a meritorious act before Allah and His Messenger.In matters of war between them and their enemies, the Muslims will not employ any Christian as a messenger, scout, guide or spy or for any other duty of war.
The doctrine of strict monotheism, the universality of the new faith, which proclaimed the equality of all its followers irrespective of social origin or clan membership, and Muhammad’s exceptional political and organizational abilities—all found a favorable response among those representatives of Meccan society, primarily from the middle strata, who sought to unite and strengthen Arabia.Initially the Meccan merchant oligarchy opposed his teachings, and Muhammad and his followers were forced to take refuge in Yathrib, later called Medina. Together, they formed the community of Islam, the Ummah. I speak not of fantasy, but fact and historical precedent. The people may have developed some highly sophisticated mathematics and poetry, but life was often violent, robbery was common, and even the most trivial incidents could spark tribal war that would last for generations. Let us see you in their, and other forums preaching your “nonsensical sermons ” !!!.
(Qur'an 22:38-40) In the battle of Badr, God gave the Medina Muslims victory. In virtue of this pact, they have obtained inviolable rights to enjoy our protection, to be protected from any infringement of their rights, so that they will be bound to the Muslims both in good and bad fortune.Christians must not be subject to suffer, by abuse, on the subject of marriages which they do not desire. They must not provide any support to war enemies of the Muslims by furnishing them with weapons, horses, men, or anything else, including greeting them.
By their negative attitudes most Armenians are hindering and putting obstacles before the Turks to come into the salvation. Judea was not far away, and many Jews had fled here following the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf.
His third wife, The traditions concerning Muhammad's life, deeds, and sayings are contained in the See biographies by T. Andrae (tr. Man .
Religion has always been used as a means of achieving sinister agendas and not vise versa.Having the attitude of Christ in us is what is required.