Because Triphala acts as a mild laxative, it may cause gastrointestinal side effects, including gas, stomach upset, cramps, and diarrhea.

Triphala’s ability to fight several other conditions, such as AIDS and cancer, has The efficacy of triphala has not been studied for every health condition it’s used to treat. Triphala Churna Side Effects: 3 Ways It May Cause Harm. All rights reserved. If these reactions are sudden, violent and painful, rush to your doctor immediately without any delay as they could be symptoms of a serious danger.Some people have reported experiencing a sudden loss of body weight when they took Triphala for some other purpose. Your email format is wrong!

Having discussed about the various possible side effects of Triphala, we are sure you can use it to your benefits without encountering any adverse effect in the process. Triphala may have a bitter taste, but it can be mixed with honey or lemon without diminishing its effects. She has completed graduation in Andhra University. Diarrhea: Triphala is known to stimulate the walls of the intestines and has a laxative action, thereby causing diarrhea and loose motions. It’s important to follow package directions exactly. If it does not seem to go away, you could be experiencing an allergic reaction most probably.Initially, Triphala could cause there to be some level of difficulty while sleeping. Nonetheless, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid using Triphala completely.The colon cleansing action of Triphala may cause diarrhea which would also result in loss of fluids from our body i.e. Just like headache, it is temporary and should not worry us much. This can also be avoided by taking a lesser dosage of Triphala.In some people, Triphala can also cause skin problems such as itching, rashes or skin eruptions. For Cancer Management. If the problem subsides in a couple of days, you need not worry. It is usually seen in people who have epigastrium tenderness. Triphala has anti-fungal, antibiotic and anti-viral action. In Ayurvedic medicine, doshas are elemental forces believed to permeate body, mind, and spirit.Ayurveda is a centuries-old Indian medicinal system. if they do not … If the weight loss is very undesirable for you, you should cease using Triphala as soon as possible.Triphala might interfere with the functioning of various common medicines such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, fluvoxamine, warfarin, diazepam and caffeine. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Thank you for your subscription. The colon bacteria survive by breaking down the fiber and in the process, they give out gas as a by-product. One This herb, like many other natural drugs, can interfere with many medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood clotting drugs, and anti-anxiety medications. It may also be used as an oral swish, like a mouthwash. The main thing to remember while starting to use Triphala is start with small dosages and then progress gradually to a larger dose as the body … All rights reserved. Based on where it’s manufactured, it may also contain toxins, such as mercury and lead, making some supplements unsafe for human consumption. 10 Benefits of triphala churna (powder / capsule / tablet) 1. This medicine has been used in Ayurveda for over thousand years . If that also doesn’t help, then consult your doctor for sure.People who are taking any anti-coagulant or such medicines must be extra cautious as Triphala is also said to affect the clotting and the functioning of the platelets. Only use triphala from a trusted manufacturer, and talk to your doctor prior to using. Triphala is also available in powder form. It is very popular in any home that follows ayurvedic remedies. Triphala has been shown in multiple studies to have a positive effect on several conditions.