Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in rat hippocampus after treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Woods BT, Yurgelun-Todd D, Benes FM, Frankenburg FR, Pope HG, McSparren J (1990). The number of CA1 pyramidal cells in Nissl staining sections was counted at × 400 magnification. Recent advances in defining the neuropathology of schizophrenia. Chronic pre- and postlesion administration of olanzapine effectively attenuated OA-induced spatial memory impairment and the OA-induced neuropathological changes in the hippocampus. Riordan FA, Foroni L, Hoffbrand AV, Mehta AB, Wickremasinghe RG. Hippocampal function in cognition. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Leslee’s connections and jobs at similar companies. The maze was placed 40 cm above the floor and was surrounded by various extramaze cues such as different laboratory benches and posters.
Saskatchewan Driver's Licence This free Saskatchewan SGI driving practice test contains 40 questions based on the facts from the official Saskatchewan Driver’s Guide. Influence of olanzapine on cognitive functions and catalepsy in rats after single and chronic administration. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in These findings suggest that olanzapine may have therapeutic effects in treatment of cognitive impairment and neuropathological changes of schizophrenia and other neurodegenerative diseases.Alvarado MC, Bachevalier J (2005).
On day 15, the rats were microinjected with OA (100 ng in 1 μl saline) or saline (vehicle 2; 1 μl) into the right hippocamus (see Surgery and microinjection). They were housed four or five per cage with free access to food and water under controlled laboratory conditions (a 12 : 12 light : dark cycle at room temperature (19–21°C)). If you are a medical professional and wish to be listed here, please: DISCLAIMER. Available for Android and iOS devices. The rats were individually placed in a home cage, and then 10 baits, which were the same as the one used in the radial arm maze task, were provided. Mean increases in fasting lipid values (total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides) were greater in patients without evidence of lipid dysregulation at baseline. He J, Yamada K, Zou L, Nabeshima T (2001). Okadaic acid-induced apoptosis of HL60 leukemia cells is preceded by destabilization of bcl-2 mRNA and downregulation of bcl-2 protein.
You can also search for this author in OA (100 ng in 1 μl saline) or saline (1 μl) was injected into the right dorsal hippocampus (A: −3.8 mm, L: 2.5 mm from bregma, and V: 3.2 mm) according to the atlas of Dose effect of OA on the working (a) and reference (b) memory in the radial arm maze task.
Searchlight has staked a 29.7 square kilometre claim covering the Reef Lake Nickel Copper target in north central Saskatchewan, located less than 20 … A two-tailed The number of working and reference memory errors measured premicroinjection and 1 week after microinjection in the saline-injected (CON), OA (50 ng)-injected (OA50), and OA (100 ng)-injected (OA100) groups is shown in Olanzapine did not affect the spatial working (a) and reference (b) memory formation before OA or saline microinjection in the radial arm maze task in rats. The possible beneficial effect of olanzapine on the OA-induced spatial working and reference memory impairment was examined in a radial arm maze task, and the neuroprotective potential of olanzapine on OA-induced lesion in the hippocampus was evaluated by Nissl staining and terminal deoxynucleutidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining.Male Sprague–Dawley rats (Charles River, St Constant, QC) weighing 225–250 g at the beginning of the experiments were used. This improvement is parallel to the alleviative effect of olanzapine on the OA-induced cell death in the hippocampus, suggesting an association between the neuroprotective effect and the memory-improving effect exerted by olanzapine.The attenuating effect of chronic administration of olanzapine on the OA-induced neurodegeneration and apoptosis provides the direct evidence supporting the neuroprotective action of olanzapine. The working and reference memory was measured 1 week after the microinjection of OA or saline into the right hippocampus. (b) Quantitative analysis of the effect of olanzapine on the OA-induced pyramidal cell loss in the CA1 region of hippocampus.