Now if I could just take something to stop my weight gain I would be good. Now my Electrolysist knows and can help her future clients by having this information. I read every article you send and it’s great to get these reminder emails of the info you have previously sent. But in women with PCOS, our insulin causes our over sensitive ovaries to produce too much testosterone. Apply the paste to any unwanted facial hair, and let it sit for up to 20 minutes. I’ve never been keen on taking pills I didn’t have to so that wasn’t an option either.

Look into it and keep it as an option.

Hirsutism is a symptom of medical disorders associated with the hormones called androgens. I also take metformin and thyroid meds. However, some women also try to take help of a dermatologist to treat conditions like excessive acne, facial hair, pigmentation etc., due to PCOS. Others may have had undesirable reactions to spironolactone or metformin or whatever birth control their doctors prescribed.And it is true: many hormonal therapies come with undesired side effects including weight gain, headaches, heavy periods, higher than normal potassium levels and the danger of feminizing a male fetus if the user is pregnant.

Both males and females possess At puberty, this follicle enlarges due to the excessive production of androgen hormone, which results in the production of long, terminal, and coarse hair. Please please help me i don’t want to meet doctor because it is just too expensive for me, and i am college student. ZEE ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES LTD, 18th floor, A-Wing, Marathon Futurex, N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013. It’s the only thing I’ve found that works.I’ve tried all types of hair removal methods. Besides, I’ve put a lot of money into it already and I’m satisfied enough for now.

The PCOS 101 guide outlines the most basic issues and solutions for women with PCOS. What I weighed it against was which hurt more, me getting rid of it that way or some insensitive jerk saying, “Hey, you have a mustache!”Hi does your hormones have to be balanced in order for the electroylsis to work?

It’s a good option. Hair hair hair.

For some reason this drug helps reduce my facial hair growth. Hurts far less than the Bellabe device!I started growing facial hair in the fourth grade and from then the njourney began: tweezing, facial creams, razors, buffing pad and now hard wax which has yielded the best result for me. Hair, hair everywhere.Facial hair was a huge problem for me. I have done laser and it make things worse, I would not recommend any woman with PCOS get laser hair removal. In some cases, the exact cause of facial hair in women is never known and the condition often runs in families. We focus on fitness, beauty, health, pregnancy and more.Most popular health and wellness website in India in 2012 at the Website of the year awards. It is very embarrassing for me to meet anyone with this kind of problem… Please tell me..I’m so sorry you are going through this. Once you have that foundation in place, you can start loojing at other ways to manage your facial hair with PCOS. Unfortunately it does give you red bumps, but I would rather use concealer over a smooth face than have a hairy chin. Then I tried IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment on my face and my body, still no significant results. It can cause tumors, polycystic ovarian syndrome or adrenal gland disorders. If you have any questions you can feel free to reply here or email me at Thanks for you sharing you story and would love to know how you electrolysis journey is going so far. I am now drinking spearmint tea, take Inositol powder, take metforminand have cut gluten and dairy from my diet to see if that will help reduce insulin production. Required fields are marked Tarryn Poulton is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and PCOS expert who has been a leader in the online PCOS space for over 8 years. Can I just mention that your Stophair link keeps taking me to hair growth pills!! xMaybe the recommended amount of sessions was different when you had LHR?