I can hardly get up from a chair without push myslef up with my arms. I knew something was wrong when Publix gave it out for free. Recently did some research, and saw that these cause Blood sugars to rise despite the Metformin! I was incredulous that so many people are bad sore mouth and throat. I was out cold for those first three or four days so it really didn’t make any difference to me at the time. How was I never warned about this possible side effect of this drug.
Very annoying. he couldn't figure it out - still coughing 24/7 and couldn't breath put me in hospital did ct scan and found pneumonitis - kept me on prednisone for 4 1/2 months 2 cat scans later found more nodoles and a huge mass in my left lung. None of the symptoms are related to the thyroid! I was released on the third day and went home. FDA Needs to do something about it.April 18th, 2014, my mother was rushed to the hospital-seemingly having an allergic reaction. I continued to have debilitating pain every day.
I had it bad for one day but have experienced terrible fatigue and poor sleep, nausea, my food all tastes funny,etc etc etc. I also had some strange dry mouth and throat problems for a couple of months but that seemed to clear up. And for sure i feel tons better and I sleep better and feel more rested. I'm reading this and wonder why am I on Lisinipro at all? Even people who have taken it for years can develope a problem down the line. I was not happy with him so I went to another doctor and he told me to get a catscan on my lungs and the results was worse and I also took another test and my kidneys are at borderline of failing. I am 75 and formerly was very active physically and with artistic endeavors I want to continue for years to come.I have been taking lisinopril 10 mg for about 3 months and a half.I just started it experiencing severe dry cough and ichy irritable sore throat and starting vomiting.I am going stop taking them today and make an appointment with my Dr. After quiting the cold sweats got worse before they got better but everything went back to normal about a week later. She is in ICU on a ventilator and has swollen face, eyes, tongue, throat and lips. The shortness of breath is a little better. I was treated foe sinus infections numerous times.
I was as weak as a kitten. Called my IM Doctor and he felt that it might be my acid refluxing causing the cough and told me to take an extra prilocec before dinner. I'd rather have high blood pressure than take this medicine. Then the headaches started. Now I have gained a lot of weight. I thought I was imagining it.
I also blame the drug manufacturor because they know the deadly side effect and still have it in the market.I was prescribed lisonpril in March 2014 I got hives and angioedema in June 2014 and have suffered with full body hives since June 2014 (it is now March 2015). difficulty beatheing and swallowing and my tongue was huge again and protruded out of my mouth. Different people suffer from different side effects of lisinopril depending on the dosage and other factors like other treatments they take, or other health problems they have.Do not forget to tell your doctor about any allergies you have before taking lisinopril.If you suffer from diarrhoea or vomiting, make sure you drink enough fluids. I have a slight headache, and an occasional dry cough, I am weak and really don't feel like doing anything that I normally do. I thought I was having a heart attack, and my blood pressure was quite high.
I wonder if that was Lisinopril..I have taken Lisinopril for over 5-years and i went thru hell - i have been to the emmergency room over 50-times with the bottom of my feet extremely swollen and burning, my toungue was on many occassion swollen so big it could not fit into my mouth, then my lips and entire face was so swollen, when my fiancee came to the hospital she did not recognize me....i was in and out of the hospital, and many emmergency clinics, i had to travel with more that 3-epi-pen fear for my life....LISINOPRIL, is a death sentence for any one taking it.it has damage my intimate relation ships with my wifeI started off with this cough, then i later admitted to the hospital for phumonia.
I had a colonoscopy done no cancer. I want to use my experiences to warn others.