(mental arithmetic) in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience. Many agents do not have a ‘clean’ mechanism of action, but act on multiple pathways. Specific therapy, therefore, is not possible; 1; Although the initial hypotensive effects of thiazide diuretics may be explained by the reduced extracellular volume resulting in reduced cardiac output.
Antihypertensives are a class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). [Article in French] Perrier CV, Sitavanc L. The renin-angiotension system and its relation to hypertension. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Aldosterone secretion and primary and malignant hypertension. By continuing you agree to the Indeed, essential hypertension appears in: Hypertension: Recent Advances. All Rights Reserved 1970;211(3):480-484. doi:10.1001/jama.1970.03170030072011Of the various groups of antihypertensive drugs, the diuretics for oral administration have the greatest overall clinical usefulness. The thiazides as a group are effective diuretics and also improve the action of other antihypertensive drugs. All Rights Reserved.to download free article PDFs,
Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Hemodynamic alterations in essential hypertension. 155, Catapresan).Pharmakologische Wirkungen des 2-(2,6-dichlorphenylamino)-2-imidazolin-hydrochlorids, einer neuen, antihypertensiven Substanz.Effect of a new hypotensive drug, ST 155, on the systemic circulation.Klinische und klinisch-experimentelle Untersuchungen mit einer neuen blutdrucksenkenden Substanz: Dichlorphenylaminoimidazolin.The antihypertensive effects of an imidazoline compound.A clinical trial with a new antihypertensive drug, ST-155 (Catapresan).Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Nieren-Hämodynamik und zum Verhalten der Elektrolyte nach einmaliger Verabreichung von 2-(2,6-Dichlorphenylamino)-2-imidazolin-hydrochlorid.Die Wirkung eines Imidazolin-Derivates auf den arteriellen Blutdruck, die Hämodynamik und die Ventilation.The construction and functional organization of the autonomic innervation apparatus.Role of intraneuronal vesicles in the synthesis, storage and release of noradrenaline.Metabolism of administered and drug released norepinephrine-7-HMechanism of drug-induced catecholamine release from adrenergic nerve granules.A hypothesis for the mode of action of α methyldopa in relieving hypertension.Release by sympathetic stimulation of a methylnorepinephrine stored in the heart after administration of a methyldopa.Effect of ╫αmethyldopa, α-methyldopamine and α-methylnorepinephrine on the norepinephrine content of the isolated heart.The effects of alpha-methyldopa on renal function in hypertensive patients.Coombs'-test positivity induced by drugs. Current concepts of the mechanism of essential hypertension. Indeed, essential hypertension appears to be a multifactorial disorder. Interactions. Effect of debrisoquin sulfate on catecholamine metabolism in hypertensive subjects, Abstract. Hemodynamic alterations in essential hypertension. The current treatment of essential hypertension is based on the following concepts: Abstract
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Recognizing that most patients with moderate or severe elevation of diastolic blood pressure require a double or triple antihypertensive drug regimen and, also, that the presence of hypertensive complications further modifies drug selection, it is readily apparent that the therapist must be intimately familiar with the clinical pharmacology of these drugs, if he is to achieve the optimum result. Circulatory changes underlying blood pressure elevation during acute emotional stress Onesti, Swartz, Seller, Kim, and Chinitz), Philadelphia.
Mechanisms of immunologic reactions and red cell destruction.Relation between norepinephrine accumulation or depletion and blood pressure responses in the cat and rat following pargyline administration.False neurochemical transmitters and the mechanism of sympathetic blockade by monoamine oxidase inhibitors.End product inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase as a possible mechanism for regulation of norepinephrine synthesis.Hemodynamic effects of pargyline in hypertensive patients.Attenuation of cardiovascular responses to exercise as a possible basis for the effectiveness of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in angina pectoris.Antagonism of the antihypertensive action of guanethidine sulfate by desipramine hydrochloride.Cardiovascular effects of 3, 4-dihydro-2 (1H) isoquinoline carboxamidine.Clinical pharmacological studies with debrisoquin sulfate, a new antihypertensive agent.Selective inhibition of sympathetic neuronal monoamine oxidase (MAO) by debrisoquin in man.Monoamine oxidase inhibition in the adrenergic neuron by bretylium, debrisoquin and other adrenergic neuronal blocking agents.Adrenergic neurone-blocking agents related to choline 2,6-Xylyl ether bromide (TM10), bretylium and guanethidine.Physiological disposition of guanethidine in the rat and its uptake by heart slices.Monoamine oxidase inhibition by a series of compounds structurally related to bretylium and guanethidine.The actions of bretylium, adrenergic neurone blocking and other effects.Suppression of vasomotor reflexes in man following L-Hydrazinophthalazine (C5968).Studies on the control of hypertension by Hypex.