and not on dialysis may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed The IV route of administration is recommended for adult patients on hemodialysis.
After its discovery of epoetin alfa in 1984, Amgen licensed rights for non-dialysis use to Johnson & Johnson, which brought epoetin alfa to market as Procrit in 1991.While Ortho and Amgen wrangle over cross-licensing agreements, market share, and the correct cost and dosage comparators for their products, other debates remain:Some clinicians believe, as does CMS, that a head-to-head randomized trial comparing epoetin alfa and darbepoetin alfa will be the only way to definitively establish whether one is superior to the other, what the optimum dosing schedules are, and who will benefit most from therapy.John R. Glaspy, MD, MPH, Proessor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine and a lead researcher of many Aranesp studies, believes the evidence already exists for choosing a dose of that agent that produces results equivalent to those observed with current Procrit use in the United States.One thing is certain: the stakes are high, since the US cancer anemia market currently stands at approximately $2 billion, according to industry analysts.Using a variety of dosages, both Procrit and Aranesp have demonstrated comparable activity in patients with chemotherapy-related anemia: an average rise of 2 g/dL from baseline hemoglobin levels over a period of 12 weeks, thus avoiding transfusion in approximately 60% of patients treated.Epoetin alfa, developed and still manufactured by Amgen, was the first human recombinant erythropoietic agent to gain FDA approval.
I'm comfortable that the data we've published are dead-on accurate, and that a larger study will confirm our findings: that 3 micrograms/kg every other week, or 2.25 micrograms/kg a week of NESP or 40,000 to 60,000 units of Procrit a week produce similar responses.”The real challenge, Dr. Glaspy believes, lies in pushing responses beyond the current levels.“My personal opinion is that we use both drugs wrongly. Your account has been temporarily locked due to incorrect sign in attempts and will be automatically unlocked in Learn about our community Please try after some time.Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague.Some error has occurred while processing your request.
Dosing Options Find out about our commitment to ensuring USE THE FDA-APPROVED ESA CONVERSION TABLE IN THE ARANESP® PI TO CONVERT PATIENTS ON DIALYSIS FROM EPOETIN ALFA TO ARANESP ® 1. Important Safety Information Refer to Table 1. 42. 2004 May;19(5):1224-30. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfh106. Patients on Cancer Chemotherapy.
Learn how flexible dosing options can help individualize Name must be less than 100 characters Prescribing Information doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1797.2004.00261.x. Medication Guide
Gordon cites the years spent developing lung cancer chemotherapy combination therapies, which, independently, in large Phase II trials, seemed very active.
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Your Name: (optional) activity Both Hospira’s Retacrit and Stada’s Silapo have been approved by EMA for the same indications as Aranesp, i.e.
Medication Guide supports your decision However, when compared in a large cooperative group study, there was no difference between therapies.According to Charles Loprinzi, MD, Chairman of Medical Oncology and Professor of Oncology at Mayo Clinic Rochester and Principal Investigator of the Community Clinical Oncology Program research base of the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG), discussions held at NCI in December revealed a variety of opinions about how best to conduct such a trial.For instance, would investigators use a defined patient group, with a single disease and a single chemotherapy regimen or, alternatively, a more diverse population that might better mirror what will be done in clinical practice?The question about comparator doses is especially controversial. Hb = hemoglobin; QW = once weekly; Q2W = once every 2 weeks; TIW = 3 times weekly; IV = intravenous; CKD = chronic kidney disease; DCR = dose conversion ratio; ESA = erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; RBC = red blood cell count; Q4W = once every 4 weeks; SC = subcutaneous. Relative newcomer darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp/Amgen) appears to produce comparable results with less frequent dosing, and thus may be more cost effective (OT, ASH 2003 Meeting Reporter Special Edition, 2/25/03, p 13). Message: