Also FDA approved clinical studies have been performed.Not much information is known and unfortunately all the details won’t be known until approximately 2022.The manufacturers had to be cautioned by their own financial funders due to their wanting to add this product’s possible positive effects without much evidence. Also, bupropion, one of the active ingredients in Contrave, can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors in rare cases, especially in young adults. I lost a total of 28 lbs in 5 months, weight loss was about 3 lbs per week for the first few weeks, then gradually increased, but stopped after 5 months. She advised me this could happen and can quit taking it. Ask my dr if I should continue. Also did collagen power with my coffee every morning to help with energy, elasticity of skin and so my hair would not start to thin or fall out. Aside from that, i am very happy with far I have been taking Contrave for a week, it is recommended to start with a pill a day for a week and then increase until you're at 4 pills a day. We hope that the information helps you find the right path for your weight loss needs. Missed two days of work because I could not function due to severe pain in low abdomen due to constipation. I was afraid after reading reviews but I've had no cramps, constipation, or diarrhea. I began Contrave a week before I had a traumatic experience and suffered from severe depression and PTSD — so I’m not quit sure what to consider side effects vs my psychological state. Belviq – Miracle Weight Loss Pill, Or Side Effect Nightmare? provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Neither Everyday Health nor its licensors endorse drugs, diagnose patients or recommend therapy. Before you run to your doctors to beg for a bottle, it’s important you know about the Contrave® side effects you may potentially experience. Opiates blockers also work to inhibit hunger thru the brain’s reward pathways.Due to the lack of understanding of this drug and huge listing of safety protocols it’s unclear if this product works or if it is safe for human consumption. The information within the Reviews and FAQ tabs is proprietary to Everyday Health.You can browse Drugs A-Z for a specific prescription or over-the-counter drug or look up drugs based on your specific condition.

This was a terrible experience.First day I had a migraine that lasted into the next day. Although a high incidence of nausea is likely to discourage people from eating, we do not think this is a desirable way to lose weight. By the second week, I was able to tolerate much better.

Common Contrave® side effects to watch out for include:You could also experience withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking this drug, which is one good reason it’s only available on prescription.Another reason Contrave® is only prescribed by a doctor is due to the fact that it may interact with certain medications. With over $200 million dollars of research, this weight loss prescription drug is offered to a select few. No matter how much water I drank to try and relieve these side effects worked. Definitely curbed all eating as I was too sick to eat much. I usually have no issues with medications but this one here??? Naltrexone is a pure opioid antagonist. Migraines burst through my preventative meds. Contrave also has risks. I no longer feel like I need a nap throughout the day. Suicidal Thoughts or Actions One of the ingredients in Contrave is bupropion, which has caused some people to have suicidal thoughts or actions or unusual changes in behavior, whether or not they are taking medicines used to treat depression.

Not all people will obtain the same results. Common side effects of Contrave include: constipation, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nausea, and vomiting. The side effects far outweigh any weight loss. I lost 5lb that week. You may have heard of Contrave® diet pill – a prescription drug which promises to help stop food cravings.

This product has a warning that it may lead to suicide and mood disturbances. You can chat with a doctor online at the Contrave® website to set up a prescription, or if you prefer, you can get your healthcare provider to prescribe it for you.When you start any medication, you need to be aware of any side effects that may make you feel worse before you feel better. On this page about Contrave 8/90 you will find information relating to side effects, age restrictions, food interactions, whether the medicine is available at a government subsidised price on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) as well as other useful information. Together, they work in different areas of the brain to control appetite and cravings.