X Synonymous terms, such as Drugs and Therapeutics Committee (D&TC), may be used in some Canadian jurisdictions, as indicated in the findings tables. h�bbd```b``^ "��IE�`"��H�'`53@$���̾&!�`q�H��� �.`� $Τ� b�U2�����c`bd`����8(���*^ �x Á %%EOF A drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) provides such a forum, allowing all the relevant people to work together to improve health care delivery, whether in hospitals or other health facilities. Such committees are well-established in industrial countries as a successful way of promoting more rational, cost-effective use of medicines in hospitals.
In many developed countries a well functioning DTC has been shown to be very effective in addressing drug use problems.

& Factors critical to success include: clear objectives; a firm mandate; support by the senior hospital management; transparency; wide representation; technical competence; a multidisciplinary approach; and sufficient resources to implement the DTC's decisions. Drug and Therapeutics Committees. %PDF-1.6 %���� W

As a result, many health facilities were able to establish DTCs. 0 x x d d d d Ù Drug and Therapeutics Committees Expert Committee, 31 March 3 April 2003 Drug and Therapeutics Committees A drugs and therapeutics committee (DTC), also called a pharmacy and therapeutics committee, is a committee designated to ensure the safe and effective use of medicines in the facility or area under its jurisdiction. 0 A senior doctor would usually be the chairperson and the chief pharmacist, the secretary. DTC members should represent all the major specialities and the administration; they should also be independent and declare any conflict of interest. O «

1177 0 obj <> endobj 1223 0 obj <>stream This committee has many different functions that will contribute to the goal of improving medicine selection and rational use of medicines.

It includes responsibility from dispensing of drugs to drug administration. ê ö : ê é

Responsibilities of a drugs and therapeutics committee consist of: developing, adapting, or adopting clinical guidelines for the health institution or health facilities under its jurisdiction; selecting cost-effective and safe medicines (hospital/health facilities’ drug formulary); implementing and evaluating strategies to improve medicine use (including drug use evaluation, and liaison with antibiotic and infection control committees); providing on-going staff education (training and printed materials); controlling access to staff by the pharmaceutical industry with its promotional activities; monitoring and taking action to prevent adverse drug reactions and medication errors; providing advice about other drug management issues, such as quality and expenditure.
A drugs and therapeutics committee (DTC), also called a pharmacy and therapeutics committee, is a committee designated to ensure the safe and effective use of medicines in the facility or area under its jurisdiction.

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$ ^ 0 � á These drugs were also analyzed by therapeutic group. As such, a DTC may be regarded as a tool for promoting more efficient and rational use of medicines. In hospital settings, a drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) provides a forum to bring together all the relevant people to work jointly to improve health-care delivery. ��Ox��� H�q���.��R�:��2��ةt��^,@�