Haseltine says that drug shortages can be traced back to an underestimation of the number of COVID-19 patients who would be put on ventilators or intubated, drugs being used off-label for a variety of conditions and a shortage of the ingredients used to make many pharmaceuticals or, as they are called in drug manufacturing, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

Demand for emergency syringes filled with sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and dextrose has also surged. During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, FDA has been closely monitoring the medical product supply chain with the expectation that it may be impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, potentially leading to supply disruptions or shortages of drug products in the U.S. FDA understands the significant impact that this can have on patient care and is doing everything within its authority to help prevent and alleviate shortages.
Role of the pharmacist in COVID-19 related drug shortages. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received 81 reports of new drug shortages since January 31, 2020, the day the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) declared a public health emergency related to COVID-19. The fill rate — the percentage of customer demand that is met by immediate stock availability — dropped 50% for April. Seeking to allay fears over the safety of the vaccines, Vardhan said he would be happy to take the first dosage if people have a "trust deficit" In May, doctors at a Mumbai hospital alleged that 12 people died in two weeks there because of this reason. Against the backdrop of legalized cannabis in some countries, and regions such as some states in the US, the report notes that frequent use has increased, along with the wider availability of higher-potency products in some markets. In recent days, hospitals have begun to report shortages for drugs used to place patients on ventilators and treat pneumonia. The fact that the novel coronavirus has now spread to rural areas as well, as seen from a nationwide sero-survey, only serves to heighten these concerns..

September 15, 2020 09:16:48 IST Experts say that there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest the novel coronavirus has reached most corners of India An official website of the United States government:

Haseltine says that drug shortages can be traced back to an underestimation of the number of COVID-19 patients who would be put on ventilators or intubated, drugs being used off-label for a variety of conditions and a shortage of the ingredients used to make many pharmaceuticals or, as they are called in drug manufacturing, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).“We need to reevaluate stockpiles to ensure there is a strategic reserve as we did during SARS and MERS, become less dependent on China and India and create long-range plans for long-term needs,” says Haseltine.Using its members’ purchase data, Vizient, a healthcare services company in Irving, Texas, calculated fill rates and the supply and demand of 13 drugs used in some aspect of COVID-19 treatment.The demand for six sedatives and anesthetics used for patients who were intubated or put on ventilators increased by 140% from January to April.

With India consistently reporting over 90,000 daily cases of COVID-19 in the past few days, shortages of oxygen are becoming increasingly apparent Elaborate arrangements for manufacturing and refilling oxygen cylinders have been made to ensure uninterrupted supply. See For inquiries or for manufacturers to report shortages they may use our CDER Drug Shortage email address: Meanwhile, 88 per cent of the global population in low and middle-income countries consumed less than 10 per cent.

With India consistently reporting over 90,000 daily cases of COVID-19 in the past few days, shortages of medical oxygen are becoming increasingly apparent. TAGS: On Friday, the highest 2,367 COVID-19 cases were recorded in Pune city, followed by 2,191 cases in Mumbai and 1,555 in Pune district “We need all Governments to show greater solidarity and provide support, to developing countries most of all, to tackle illicit drug trafficking and offer evidence-based services for drug use disorders and related diseases, so we can achieve the Measures by governments across the world to curb the COVID-19 pandemic have led to the widespread disruption of trafficking routes for illegal drugs, mainly by air and on land, upping some prices, according to a new UN report published on Thursday.The use of alcohol and tobacco by young people and children is closely linked to the use of illicit drugs, a UN-backed narcotics control body warned on Thursday. Any shortages, including any related to COVID-19 will be posted on FDA is aware that some health care facilities and providers are facing challenges in maintaining adequate supplies of certain drugs needed to treat patients with COVID-19. Because prices are low, suppliers are often scarce, Gurz explains. She says most of the shortages are older drugs with regional supply lines. The drugs in high demand include metoprolol, propofol, doxycycline hyclate injection, albuterol sulfate inhalers, cisatracurium, lidocaine, epinephrine and morphine. “Ideally we’d like to have three suppliers so if one exits the marketplace, there are still two