Comparison 7 FP v BDP or BUD, parallel group studies: dose ratio 1:2 subgroup by asthma severity, Outcome 2 Morning PEFR (L/min). Two reviewers independently assessed articles for inclusion and methodological quality. Need for 2 or more doses beta2 agonist on 2 out of 7 days of run in periodSymptoms on at least 4 out of 7 days of run‐in periodNight‐time awakening on 2 or more out of 7 during run‐inSymptoms on at least 2 days/week, night‐time symtoms on at least 2 nights/weekDaytime wheezing or night‐time symptoms on at least 4 days of 7 day run‐in period or PEFR variability 20% or greater Symptoms on at least 4 out of 7 days of run‐in periodSymptoms on at least 4 out of 7 days of run‐in periodIf using BDP < 400 mcg/d: symptoms on at least 3 out of 7 days of run‐in periodSymptoms on at least 4 out of 7 days of run‐in periodSymptomatic despite ICS 400 mcg/d, no further detailsSymptoms on at least 4 out of 12 days of run‐in periodSymptoms on at least 4 out of 12 days of run‐in periodSymptoms on at least 4 out of 14 days of run‐in periodSymptoms on 4 out of 14 days of run‐in period for patients using ICS 400‐600 mcg/dSymptoms on at least 2 out of 7 days of run‐in period> 8 puffs/week beta 2 agonist or diurnal variability in PEFR > 20% during run‐in if FEV > 65‐80 (% predicted) Symptoms on at least 4 out of 7 days of run‐in periodSymptoms and need to rescue beta2 agonist during 2 week run‐inSymptoms on at least 4 out of 14 days of run‐in period"Symptoms indicating a clinical requirement for ICS" if not already using one, no further details Some: BDP or BUD 400 mcg/d or less, FP 200 mcg/d or lessFEV1FVCFEF25‐75% fall in FEV1 after 6 minute treadmill exercise test% fall in FEF25‐75 after 6 minute exercise treadmill testMorning PEFREvening PEFRDaytime asthma symptom scoreNight‐time asthma symptom scoreRescue beta2 agonist use (puffs/d)24 hour urinary free cortisol No SD values available for above outcomes Morning PEFREvening PEFR24 hour urinary cortisol excretionNo SD values available for above outcomesDaily asthma symptoms scoreDaily beta2 agonist use No numerical data available Symptom free days and nightsRescue beta2 agonist free days and nightsDaytime and night‐time symptom scoresAbove outcomes analysed by investigators using non‐parametric testsChange in FEV1 compared to baselineChange in FVC compared to baselineChange in morning PEFR compared to baselineChange in evening PEFR compared to baselineChange in diurnal variability in PEFR compared to baselineChange in clinic PEFR compared to baselineNo SD values available for above outcomesMorning plasma cortisolData log transformed and reported using geometric means by investigators: log transformed values not available Morning PEFREvening PEFRDiurnal variability in PEFRdaytime salbutamol usenight‐time salbutamol use No standard deviation values for above outcomes FEV1FVCDiurnal variation in PEFRDaytime asthma symptom scoreNight‐time asthma symptom scoreDaytime beta2 agonist useNight‐time beta2 agonist useNo SD values available for above outcomes FEV1FVCClinic PEFRNo numerical data available for above outcomesChange in Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire domain scores compared to baseline Change in SF‐36 questionnaire domain scores compared to baselineSD values available for above outcomes FEV1 (% predicted)Clinic PEFR (% predicted)Airway resistance (% predicted)MEF50 (% predicted)Numbers randomised to each treatment group not statedFVC Dairy card morning PEFRDiary card evening PEFRSymptom scoreRescue beta2 agonist useNo data presented for above outcomes Histamine BHR log 10 PC20 FEV1UNDW BHR log 10 PC20 FEV1No SD values available for above outcome Change in diurnal variation in PEFR compared to baseline% symptom free days% symptom free nights% rescue beta2 agonist free days% rescue beta2 agonist free nightsPhysician assessed level of overall asthma controlPatient assessed level of overall asthma controlMorning plasma cortisolNon‐parametric tests used by investigators to examine treatment differences for above outcomes Morning plasma cortisolPlasma cortisol 30 min post 250 mcg ACTHDiurnal variation in PEFR Daily beta2 agonist use (puffs/day) No SD values available for above outcomes Methacholine BHR (PD20 FEV1)Log transformed data not availableFEV1Morning PEFR Evening PEFRDaily symptom scoreRescue beta2 agonist useOvernight urinary cortisolNo numerical data available for above outcomes Morning PEFREvening PEFRMorning plasma cortisolPlasma cortisol post ACTH No SD values available for above outcomes Evening PEFRChange in daytime symptom score compared to baselineChange in night‐time symptom score compared to baselineDaytime rescue beta2 agonist useNo SD values available for above outcomesMorning plasma cortisolLog transformed values not available Morning PEFREvening PEFR24 hour urinary free cortisol Plasma ACTH 8 am plasma cortisol Plasma 1 hour post synathsen (0.5mcg/1.73m2 body surface area) No SD values available for above outcomesPatient assessed efficacy scalePhysician assessed efficacy scaleDaytime asthma symptom scores ‐ no data presentedNight‐time asthma symptom scores ‐ no data presented FEV1 (% predicted)Change in FEV1 (% predicted) compared to baselineClinic PEFR (% predicted)Change in clinic PEFR (% predicted) compared to baselineMorning PEFR (% predicted)Change in morning PEFR (% predicted) compared to baselineEvening PEFR (% predicted)Change in evening PEFR (% predicted) compared to baselineDiurnal variation in PEFR % symptom free days/nights% beta2 agonist free daysMorning plasma cortisolNo SD values available for above outcomes Daytime asthma symptom score% symptom free days % symptom free nightsDays missed from work/schoolParent completed, patient‐centred assessment of physical and social activityAbove outcomes analysed by investigators using non‐parametric statisticsMorning plasma cortisolData log transformed and reported using geometric means FEV1Clinic PEFRNo numerical data available for above outcomes Rescue free days (No use of beta2 agonist, oral steroid use or physician visit)Rescue beta2 agonist use (puffs/day)Data for above outcomes reported using medians with interquartile range Change in urinary free cortisol level compared to baseline Change in plasma cortisol level (time not specified) compared to baseline No SD values available for above outcomes Change in morning PEFR compared to baselineNo SD values available for above outcomesAsthma symptom scoreDaily use of beta2 agonistsNo data presented for above outcomes Change in morning PEFR compared to baselineDaily beta2 agonist useAsthma symptom score24 hour area under curve serum cortisolNo numerical data presented for above outcomes Morning PEFRRescue beta2 agonist free daysNo data presented for above outcomesDiurnal variation in PEFR% symptom free days% symptom free nightsRescue beta2 agonist useAbove outcomes analysed by investigators using non‐parametric testsMorning PEFR Morning plasma cortisolNo SD values available for this outcome Daily asthma symptom scoreDaytime rescue beta2 agonist useNight‐time rescue beta2 agonist usePatient assessed degree of asthma controlAbove outcomes analysed by investigators using non‐parametric testMorning plasma cortisol No SD values available for this outcome FEV1 FEV1 (% predicted)FVC (% predicted)FVCMorning PEFR Evening PEFR% symptom free days% symptom free nights% beta2 agonist free daysMorning plasma cortisol Plasma cortisol 30min post ACTHNo SD values available for above outcomes Morning plasma cortisol (log transformed)FEV1FVCClinic PEFRNo SD values for above outcomes Morning PEFREvening PEFRDiurnal variation in PEFRMorning plasma cortisolPlasma cortisol post ACTH No SD values available for above outcomes Morning PEFREvening PEFRWheeze scoreCough scoreNo numerical data availableFEV1 (% predicted)FVCNo SD values available for above outcomesFEF25‐75Post exercise fall in FEV1Histamine BHR (log 10 PC20 FEV1)Daily asthma symptom scoreNo SD values for above outcomes Daytime symptom scoreNight‐time symptom score % symptom free days% symptom free nights% rescue beta2 agonist free days% rescue beta2 agonist free nightsAbove outcomes analysed by investigators using non‐parametric testsMorning plasma cortisolData log transformed and reported using geometric means Diurnal variation in PEFRNo SD values available for this outcome% symptom free days and nights (No.