It is also FDA-approved for the management of post-herpetic neuralgia (persistent pain after a herpes zoster skin rash outbreak). Walmart Farmacy? addicted to Rx of 8,400 mg daily. When I came around and started to remember bits and pieces I knew it was the Gabapentin that caused this. 1 300mg per night for 3 days. I get there and they were pulled with put notice or future appointments made. I'm 43 was given gabapentin Lyrica and cymbalta all together for fibromyalgia and nerve pain in my feet and legs about maybe 8 yrs ago almost immediately I was walking into walls and noticed dizzy and balance issues. I have a hard time maintaining my three children and household needs most days. I am no weight bearing till December only way for me to get around is by wheel chair.I've taken this drug as well as Lyrica. I often went in and out of conscious state. I've been taking this medication for a year and a half and its been down hill sinceMy late husband took gabapentin and was depressed in pain and always nauseated! Doctors? I later found out that the blood sugar and dental problems are known side effects of gabapentin. Am having severe diarrhea, everything I eat or drink comes right out of me like a fire hose of yellow water. As she began to increase the dosage as advised she changed. I was not made aware that this could be a problem I'm very concerned. The pain was becoming intolerable. (Levaquin,Avelox,Cipro) Causes life altering disorders!! I will never believe anything other than Gabapenton damaged her ability to process her thoughts clearly.. I am going today after another tooth cracked and broke to my physician to see about a different medication. The withdrawals from Lyrica were worse than opiates. I have been on Neurontin for about 7 years. I started to notice extreme distractability, memory loss, confusion, misplacing things and blaming other family members because I not only forgot where I placed the item, but had no recallection of even touching the item I misplaced. Eye Dr just contributed eye problems to Chronic Dry eye. I would sometimes get a hazy feeling and just pass out. Was even prescribed cymbalta for the depression. I like to think the worst is over yet there is no difference yet from week 1 to nowI was prescribed this medication for chronic pain !!! Marketed by Pfizer Inc., Neurontin (gabapentin) is used to treat partial seizures, or epilepsy, in adults and children. I also had no idea that my daughter and her boss was calling my doctor continuously at both his practices in alaska and California. I immediately began to swell and my moods were horrible. Right before I fall into a non convulsive seizure, my face turns red, nose runs and the muscles contract so much so that I end up in a fetal position. I stopped taking gabapentin at one point 5yrs ago because I discovered I was pregnant. Thought I seriously had altzeimers I have three children and can't remember ANYTHING about birth, childhood, growing up. I am searching on this website for a more detailed list of side effects. Well he upped the gabapentin. She was 26 with 2 small kids, now she is 29 her kids gone and she has to fight to get out of bed every day. I have had severe trouble with memory and have trouble thinking of what words to use.
I would black out sometimes and be driving and not remember getting on the car. My daughter happened to work for a someone who was in the medical field then moved on to natural healings and remedies. In 2004, the Justice Department ordered the drug-maker to pay No matter what type of case you have, you may contact us with confidence by filling out the email contact form below or calling us directly by dialing toll free 24 hrs/day Copyright © 2020 The Schmidt Firm, PLLC. I've developed twitching frequently, anger issues, even got mad and slit my wrists. I have been losing my memory, feeling depressed.Took gabapentin for pinched nerve in back for a period of three weeks. I do haves congestive heart failure. I STILL suffer from memory problems and it is driving me crazy!I have had Fibromyalgia for 20 yrs. My behavior became crazier and I ran up a huge amount of debt in a very short time by shopping online. The hot flashes got worse.
If I had known what this drug does I would never had taken it . I was having multiple psychotic episodes a week. When I first began taking this medication I had thoughts of hanging myself then realizes it must be the gabapentin.
I realized that drug is for people experiencing epilepsy. I stayed in that horrible place for 7 days, that's 9 days total. It was constantly on my mind, I couldn't NOT think about death.
I have extreme memory loss, short and long term, I have fluid on the left side of my brain and seems to be growing in size. September 15 my son found me on bathroom floor I completely shattered both of my ankles, broken right wrist, and 2 broken ribs. One time I blacked out and five hours had gone by and I thought it had only been about an hour. I suffer memory loss, simple things I forget. You know ,making the wrong choice, knowing it, and doing it anyway. I stopped taking it after 3 weeks, when I started feeling like I had dementia.