The sheets can reduce their size considerably.Custom-made molds may be made to fit over the keloid to create pressure. Use twice or thrice a day and leave on after application until you are happy with the results.Applying Turmeric on the skin can help in wound healing and keloid scars. In case of skin irritation, rinse it with lukewarm water immediately.

While they are not harmful, they often create a cosmetic concern and can cause pain, itching or contractures, which pull on the affected skin and make it tighter. Regarding color, they differ from red to dark brown or pink color depending on the person’s natural skin color.They often develop above the skin. One way to treat keloids is to remove them surgically, but because most people with keloids continue to be prone to abnormal scarring, a keloid may grow back in the same place after the surgery. The success rate is tremendous in this mode. Over time, they may shrink the keloid.Freezing the keloid with liquid nitrogen may also reduce the size of the scar effectively.These medications are injected directly into the scar to shrink it. Keloids are a unique type of scar tissue that can occur after an injury to the skin. Hey guys it's Brittany Baby! In addition to these common keloid sites, people are more likely to develop keloids at surgical sites, in areas where they are affected by a chronic skin condition like acne or psoriasis, and areas that are shaved, tweezed, or waxed regularly. Concerning the texture, some are smooth while some are rough and modular.When exposed to the sun, they may develop tanning from the surrounding areas.Even though sometimes Keloids are nothing more than an unpleasant skin defect, it is always advisable to opt for medical treatment if the growth of the scar continues. In simplest terms, after an injury heals - sometimes a scar or a mark remains on our skin. Additionally, age is a factor, since most people develop keloids between the ages of 10 and 30.” If any or all of these characteristics describe you, it may be a good idea to avoid situations that increase your risk of developing keloids, including piercings and tattoos.If you are at risk for developing keloids, you should take special care to avoid damage to the areas where keloids are most likely to develop, including the earlobes, chest, back, and shoulders. Most people have a personal history of thicker scars or a family history of keloids. Patel says, “Anyone with any skin type can develop keloids, but we do see them much more frequently in those who have darker pigmented skin. In the worst cases, they also affect the skin movement. It may not cause any harm to your health, but it is unsightly and may lower your self-esteem. Massage the area with honey for normally about 2-3 times a day on a daily basis. However, this type of scarring is typically limited to the initially damaged area. The term mutation in a gene known as NEDD4 gene may indicate that a person has a predisposition to keloid formation.But do not worry as there is a solution for it right away. Common circumstances include ear piercings, after surgery, and inflammatory acne on the chest or back. A ligature is a surgical-thread that dermatologist tied around the large keloids. However, you will need a new thread after every three or four weeks until the keloid falls off from its place. These scars tend to occur in people with darker skin and can result from a wide range of skin injuries, from minor scratches to body piercings, burns and surgical incisions. All the options that are mentioned have high rates of keloid return after therapy. This way, both pigmentation and keloid size are reduced.Keep in mind to follow the directions on the retinoid cream product you purchase.Injections of steroidal anti-inflammatories have been known to help with keloids. Aspirin. The symptoms may aggravate if the clothing is not right. Early treatment of a forming keloid is more likely to be successful than waiting until it is fully grown.When some of the surgeries are necessary, avoid procedures such as cosmetic surgery. This has to be applied after the Keloid has been removed.This cream significantly reduces the chances of Keloids to come back.Although these are some of the medically proven ways to treat Keloids, scientists are still working on other cheaper and more affordable treatment options.Home remedies have never been proven 100% effective to get rid of Keloids. In the research, we found that aspirin prevents scar-promoting cells from entering the keloid site when applied. It is the best application used to remove and heal keloids scars in a very efficient manner. No? It is also used in Acne treatment. Surgical removal is often more effective if combined with a nonsurgical treatment. Place the crushed garlic cloves directly on scars to vanish away the formation of keloids. This approach is often the first line of treatment and many people do notice an improvement in the scar’s size.This is usually coupled with corticosteroid injections or other methods to keep the keloid from returning, including radiation.Silicone is used to make gel sheets or dressings that cover the entire area of skin with the keloid.