This is attributed to high affinity interaction between anthracyclines and cardiolipin, a phospholipid present in the heart mitochondrial membrane, as heart tissue contains a relatively high number of mitochondria per cell.The mechanisms accounting for anthracycline-induced cardiac damage are complex and interrelated. The information presented here is manufacturer recommended dosing.

The two organizations, as well as other professional associations, developed guide-lines or … 0000015319 00000 n 0000009804 00000 n 0000000876 00000 n Some cancers are more responsive to this drug than others. 15-17.

c) Radiation to the chest may increase the risk of CHF such that after 20 Gy to the chest the lifetime cumulative dose of doxorubicin is often capped at 450 mg/m2. This radiochemical, In some cases, anthracyclines may be ineffective due to the development of Liposomal formulations of anthracyclines have been developed to maintain or even enhance the therapeutic efficacy of anthracyclines while reduce its limiting toxicities to healthy tissues, particularly cardiotoxicity. The information presented here is manufacturer recommended dosing. When anthracyclines are given intravenously, it may result in accidental extravasation at injection sites. Some cancers are more responsive to this drug than others.

In the clinic, a maximum recommended cumulative dose is set for anthracyclines to prevent the development of congestive heart failure. liSt of tablES Table 1 Suggested list of knowledge and skills applicable to health care professionals 8 Table 2 The chemotherapy protocol 11 Table 3 Information to be provided to patients 13 Table 4 Additional information to be provided to patients receiving oral chemotherapy and targeted therapy 14 Table 5 The treatment plan 17 Table 6 Information to be included on a chemotherapy order 18 Table 7 …

0000001430 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n A myriad of drug-cellular interactions have been documented in the scientific literature and these vary with respect to the properties of target cells, drug dose and drug intermediates produced.

Currently, there are two liposomal formulations of doxorubicin available in the clinics.

In the clinic, a maximum recommended cumulative dose is set for anthracyclines to prevent the development of congestive Cardiac injury that occurs in response to initial doses of anthracycline can be detected by a rise in The predominant susceptibility of the heart to anthracyclines is due in part to a preferential mitochondrial localisation of anthracyclines.

The scope of the project was limited to patient safety and included both parenteral and oral chemotherapy regimens. The information presented here is manufacturer recommended dosing. Therefore, the lifetime cumulative doxorubicin exposure is limited to 400–450 mg/m 2 in order to …

Always consult institutional protocol.NOTE: Several dosage regimens exist for this drug. Respiratory effects. The information presented here is manufacturer recommended dosing. The importance of monitoring cumulative doses of chemotherapy that may cause toxicities with increases in the lifetime dose of a drug has generated significant discussion among course participants, who have expressed a desire to make changes in current practice.

The information presented here is manufacturer recommended dosing.

FIGURE: Targeted therapies: Monoclonal antibodies. 0000008002 00000 n

Although few true standards exist, a body of lit- erature published over the past decade informed the ASCO/ONS effort. a) Minimize the lifetime cumulative dose.

FIGURE: Antimetabolites. b) ↓ BP and avoid anthracyclines in pt with underlying cardiac disease. d) Use continuous infusions whenever possible.

0000001949 00000 n 0000003264 00000 n 0000001293 00000 n

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