It can be purchased online or in health food stores and comes in both capsule and powder form (It’s a popular synthetic derivative of the neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical messenger that helps slow down activity in your nervous system.However, piracetam doesn’t appear to affect your body in the same way as GABA.In fact, researchers still aren’t entirely sure how it functions (That said, studies link the drug to several benefits, including improved brain function, reduced dyslexia symptoms, and fewer myoclonic seizures.Research suggests that taking piracetam may enhance For example, animal studies indicate that piracetam makes cell membranes more fluid. From improving memory function and reducing social anxiety to improving neuroplasticity, piracetam supposedly does it all. The meta-analysis cited above states that the magnitude of the benefits derived from Piracetam use could not be quantified reliably. So before we get into the science, let’s take a look at some of the notable examples of negative Piracetam experiences. If a claimed benefit of piracetam isn’t backed up by peer-reviewed research, then we’re not going to buy into it. Some forms, such as caffeine, are naturally derived.Others are synthetically made into drugs. But the results are still compelling enough to conclude that Piracetam has global efficacy across diverse populations with cognitive impairment. It wasn’t “discovered” – it was made.Piracetam was first produced by a Romanian chemist and psychologist by the name of Corneliu E. Giurgea in the early 1960s.You might recognize this name; it is said that Corneliu E. Giurgea is the man who actually coined the term “nootropic”. They talk about all of the incredible things that piracetam does for them. It’s important, however, that we look at all the evidence as a whole and weight it correctly. Instead, many people hypothesize that Piracetam works by exciting neurons directly. It is a potentially dangerous brain drug, and it can have unforeseen effects on your health, behavior, and cognitive function, as the above article makes clear.Piracetam is one of the most widely used and well known brain drugs in the world. To our knowledge, truly long-term studies on regular Piracetam use have not yet been done. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Search on the main nootropics forums and discussion groups and you’ll find a trove of posts ranging from “piracetam is a miracle” to “piracetam will kill you”. We hope we have this in the next few years; time will tell.We’ve just looked at what we know about how Piracetam works. Researchers found that piracetam helped reduce the overall severity of myoclonic seizures (Dementia describes a group of symptoms that affect your memory, ability to perform tasks, and communicate.Research suggests that damage caused by the build-up of amyloid-beta peptides may play a role in its development.

Piracetam can be taken any time of day and does not need to be taken with food. Some manufacturers have asserted that aniracet… Piracetam has been investigated for the past six decades as a potential treatment for several conditions including stroke, seizures, dementia, and alcoholism.3 It is derived from the neurotransmitter GABA, which is involved in mood regulation and movement disorders. Moreover, long-term use is very poorly understood. Its formal chemical name is 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide. Like all racetams, we aren’t absolutely certain how piracetam actually works.

While this isn’t a good approach to take when trying to find out truth, it is a good way to get a feel for a substance, how common side effects are, and how pronounced some of the side effects can be. The longest trial we have found has been 1 year in duration. They will tell you that piracetam is a perfectly safe study drug.

Those treated with piracetam significantly improved in reading speed and short-term listening memory (Additionally, a review of 11 studies in over 620 children and young people with dyslexia observed that taking 1.2–3.3 grams of piracetam daily for up to 8 weeks significantly improved learning and comprehension (Myoclonic seizures are described as sudden involuntary muscle spasms. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They can make day-to-day activities like writing, washing, and eating difficult (Multiple studies have found that piracetam may protect against myoclonic seizures.For example, a case study in a 47-year-old woman who experienced myoclonic seizures noted that taking 3.2 grams of piracetam daily stopped her myoclonic jerks (Similarly, a study in 18 adults with Unverricht-Lundborg disease, a type of In another study, 11 people took up to 20 grams of piracetam daily for 18 months alongside their existing medication to further help reduce myoclonic seizure symptoms. After 12 weeks, children taking piracetam showed significant improvements in their ability to read and understand text (In another study, 257 boys with dyslexia aged 8–13 received either 3.3 grams of piracetam or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. No, like always, we’re going to let the latest scientific data be our guide. This makes it very different to many other popular study drugs, which are effectively just more or less sophisticated analogues of amphetamines.