The battles fought between the Jews and their enemies throughout the Persian empire took place on 13 Along with Shushan (which is located in modern-day southwestern Iran), all cities that were walled at the time when the The 14th of Adar—the “regular Purim”—can never fall on “It would therefore be fitting and good, very good, that on this Sunday [when Jerusalemites celebrate the ‘third day of Purim’] Jews “And through this all to further unite with Jerusalem, to which we turn daily during the course of every prayer: ‘And they will pray to “Why did the [sages] make it contingent on Joshua’s time?

dressing up and thronging the streets to deliver gifts of food to their Adar.

And sign up for our free monthly newsletter to stay abreast of what's In these places, the Megillah reading on the fifteenth is done without reciting the blessings. Shushan Purim is the day after Purim, the 15th fifteenth of Adar. Shushan Purim.

When the Sages instituted Purim, they took into account that Shushan was a walled city, and made the following stipulation: While most cities celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar, cities which were walled at the time of Joshua (Yehoshua Bin Nun) should celebrate a special Purim -- called "Shushan Purim" -- on the 15th of Adar. - Brian, S. Africa So that they [in cities of Israel] shall read [the The exact location of the ancient city of Shushan is also uncertain.Purim is also observed on the 15th in all locales that are adjacent to a walled city—such as all the Jerusalem neighborhoods that are outside the walled old city.This mitzvah is performed on Friday because “the eyes of the poor are lifted at the reading of the We cannot have the Purim feast on Shabbat, because it would be indistinguishable from the regular Shabbat meals.

In days of old, all cities had to be surrounded defensively. the 13th of Adar of the Hebrew month. the 13th and 14th of Adar, and the victory celebrations there only happened on the 15th miss a thing. Enter your email address to get our weekly email with fresh, exciting and thoughtful content that will enrich your inbox and your life.

Rabbi Naftali Silberberg is a writer, editor and director of the curriculum department at the © Copyright, all rights reserved. Joshua led the Children of Israel into the Promised land, celebrate what is Shushan Shushan Purim, what is the meaning of "walled city?" the king, convinced him to order the genocide of all the Jews in the There's music, there's dancing, there are plenty of goodies, in short everything you need to cheer up and celebrate life together.There's a lot of running around.

Some of the commandments of the day cannot be preformed on a Shabbat, so the festivities are spread out from Friday through Sunday. The story is set in Persia, present day Iran, during the latter part of the captivity years.

When do we celebrate Shushan Purim in New Jersey??? Shushan Purim is the day after Purim, but that’s all we at JewishBoston knew about it (well, at least one of us knew more than that but that person definitely wasn’t Ashley). Young groups of students go from door to door, singing, dancing or juggling in exchange for donations for schools, needy children and other philanthropic organizations.This all makes for a wonderful atmosphere of good cheer and good will, much silliness and lots of fun.Stay up-to-date with all that's new in Jerusalem and on this site. Introduction . It was the Persian king Cyrus the great that freed all the Jews from the ancient Babylon. (There is some question about Tiberias and Yaffo, and thus these