One would think that the soft conversion would result in a dimension 177.8 +/- 1.6 mm or 0.76 mm, but not so. to an M12 (12-mm) or M14 (14-mm) shank diameter. Occasionally, the soft conversion will be rounded, so that 12 inches has a soft conversion of 305 millimeters.
in. Also, it should be communicated to the client that the measurements are not interchangeable. Soft conversions from imperial to metric represent an exact conversion where the material dimension has not changed. For instance, 6 inches would have a soft conversion of 152.4 millimeters. 10′ = 3048 mm. Here’s a list of metric scales and their closest Imperial scale equivalent: - mutliply by .1550 Hectares to Acres - multiply by 2.471 cg to g - multiply by .1543 Pounds to kg - multiply by .4536 cm - multiply by 6.452 Acres to Hectares - multiply by .4047 g to cg - multiply by 6.48 g to Ounces - multiply by .03527 Sq. sheet).Where this is not made clear, exercise your best judgment with management or your client early on in the project. Hard conversions from imperial to metric are used in the building industry to make the metric units more rational.What has been your experience with metric conversion methods? cm to sq.
Although the United States has yet to embrace the metric system; as estimators, we may be required to convert units for a specific project.Soft conversions from imperial to metric represent an exact conversion where the material dimension has not changed. to sq. According to DoD Publication SD-10 A "soft conversion" involves changing a measurement from inch-pound units to equivalent metric units within what the DoD calls "acceptable measurement tolerances." Either one of the two new metric bolt diameters would be outside an "acceptable measurement tolerance" and would require a change in both the bolt and its interface. Much like the bolt head example used earlier, the metric equivalent of ½-in. Occasionally, the soft conversion will be rounded so that 12 inches has a soft conversion of 305 millimeters.
1′-0″ = 305 mm. Metric Ton (MT) 1,000,000 - - 2204.6 To convert To convert Sq. If the bolt discussed earlier is part of an assembly that uses imperial units, knowing the metric sizes may be helpful if only metric tools are available.
2. drawings drawn in metric units using english equipment sizes converted to metric with both metric and english sizes in dimensions units. Although this is not a standard metric bolt size, it expresses the requirement.A "hard conversion" involves a change in measurement units that results in a "physical configuration change." Here’s a quick list of common sizes converted to soft metric: 1″ = 25 mm. The dimension can be rounded to 178 mm +/- 1 mm or +/- 5 mm and still be withing the acceptable limits of the original dimension. drywall may be less or more thick, which may affect the overall dimensions of the finished product.This presents obvious issues, which is why the DoD does not recommend the use of dual dimensions on drawings and instead recommends defaulting to metric measurements. George Hawkinson, Jarrod McMains and Matt Morris For instance, 12 inches would have a soft conversion of 304.8 millimeters. All email and voice mail messages are responded to within 24 hours. 1. drawings drawn in english with metric equivalents. Hard and soft metric: It’s actually ‘conversion’ and ‘substitution’ After discussing "hard" and "soft" metric conversions in a previous blog post, I found that there is a better way to address this topic, thanks to a comment from reader Howard Ressel about ASTM/IEEE SI10-2010: The American National Standard for Metric Practice. If conversions are required, include a single table of conversions in the drawings (depending upon the project, this could easily be an entire 22×34-in. The new bolt would be considered a "hard metric" item. George Hawkinson, Jarrod McMains and Matt Morris The customary standard of this American invention has been eclipsed by its subsequent relabeling as “35mm,” an approximate metric equivalent. Metric converter for many metric and imperial units of temperature, weight, length, area and volume. A "soft conversion" involves changing a measurement from inch-pound units to equivalent metric units within what the DoD calls "acceptable measurement tolerances." Hard Conversions. Contrary to what some may believe, the use of imperial units followed by metric units is not what is commonly referred to as "soft conversion," nor is soft conversion a mix of the two systems of measurement. Soft conversions from imperial to metric represent an exact conversion where the material dimension has not changed. Using the bolt example, this would be analogous to changing the diameter of the bolt shank from ½ in. This is size substitution, which is one method of using hard conversion; the other method is adaptive conversion, where imperial and metric units are reasonably equivalent, but not exact conversions of each other.When using hybrid measurements, the type of work being specified determines whether to use hard or soft metric conversion. For example, a ½-in. 177.8 -1.6= 176.2 and 177.8+1.6= 179.4. 6′ = 1829 mm. If they don’t understand the issues, let them know and prove your worth.What are your experiences with hybrid measurements? This is done to merely convert the imperial measurements to metric without physically changing the item, and it is typically used to specify a requirement.