Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9:13227–30.[6]. [9]. In retrospect the cyst of the utricle was causing bladder neck obstruction before the final episode.
800-638-3030 (within USA), 301-223-2300 (international)Registered users can save articles, searches, and manage email alerts.Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague.Some error has occurred while processing your request. clear cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma) with a reported prevalence as high as 3 %.Utricular cyst is rare but along with its rarity, it presents a challenge in its diagnosis and proper management. Your Name: (optional)
Some cysts may be secondary to malignant lesion, others may be primary, such as prostate cystadenocarcinoma. Please try again soon. For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Gualco G, Ortega V, Ardao G, et al. Awareness of this is important.Persistence or untreated prostatic cyst could be a cause of infertility.The differential diagnoses include mullerian duct cysts, bladder diverticulum, cystic teratoma, seminal vesicle cyst, epididymal cyst and Wolffian duct cyst.Embryologically, in the male fetus the Mullerian ducts regress under the influence of anti-Mullerian hormone (Mullerian inhibiting substance).This is a glycoprotein secreted by the Sertoli cells of the fetal testes at eight gestational weeks.Persistence of the Mullerian ducts as result of failure of synthesis or action of Mullerian inhibitory substance results in persistent Mullerian duct syndrome.This is characterized by the presence of uterine tissue and fallopian tubes in a phenotypic and genotypic male.Utricular cysts are thought to result from incomplete regression of the Mullerian ducts or incomplete androgen-mediated closure of the urogenital sinus caused by an error in the production or sensitivity to local testosterone or anti-Mullerian hormone.These cysts are differentiated anatomically from Mullerian duct cysts.They present during the first to second decade of lifeThey have an association with unilateral/bilateral renal agenesis, and hypospadiasThey can be visualized with a micturating cystourethrogram or a retrograde urethrogram.They are seen in the older age group ranging from 2 to 75 yearsMullerian duct cysts generally do not communicate with the urethraThey cannot be visualized with a micturating cystourethrogram or a retrograde urethrogram.It is proposed that these cysts originate due to failure of fusion of Mullerian duct resulting from deficient Mullerian inhibitory factor. 20.2 and 20.3) Figs. It is also known as the vagina masculina or uterus masculinus or (in older literature) vesicula prostatica. 301-223-2300
They are asymptomatic in 95% cases. We review many of these cystic lesions seen in our department over the past several years. Structure. Clinical photographs showing severe hypospadias. They can however grow to reach a large size.Morphologically, prostatic utricle cyst appears as a small, single, smooth, unilocular cyst of variable size.Prostatic utricle cyst is usually seen during the first to second decades of life, with a mean age range of 26 years.There is an association between utricular cysts and:Clinical photographs showing severe hypospadias. Prostatic utricle presenting with recurrent epididymo-orchitis is not uncommon. Differential diagnosis of cystic lesions in prostate or surrounding structures includes Müllerian duct cyst, prostatic utricle cyst, ejaculatory duct cyst, prostatic retention cyst, abscess and so on. It was reported the incidence of neoplasia arising in Müllerian duct cyst was 3%. Two case reports of gigantic [4]. Jingjin Y, Xingkai L, Yong Z. Clinical features and management of anterior intra urethral [8]. The 24-year-old man presented with left back discomfort for 1 week without severe pain, dysuria, or fever.Ultrasonography revealed the presence of a 14×14 mm cystic lesion.The patient was given the medicine and regular follow-up.Several days later, he recovered without lower back discomfort.Institutional Review Board approval was obtained from Research Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital College of Medicine, Zhejiang University. Tech Urol 1996;2:79–85. Cystic lesions of the [2].
Müllerian duct cysts and prostatic utricle cysts may cause obstructive urinary symptoms, hematuria, and pelvic pain. The various techniques described in literature suffer from the disadvantages of incomplete excision due to poor view.