For those who aren’t familiar with the substance, curcumin is rich in antioxidants and has outstanding anti-inflammatory benefits that can clear up your scalp and remove any traces of folliculitis.

They often become sore and crusted.
Doctors can prescribe oral isotretinoin to treat most cases of gram-negative folliculitis.Eosinophilic folliculitis causes deep-set, pus-filled Eosinophilic folliculitis affects males more often than females, according to the Folliculitis is not contagious. In This Article: Folliculitis Signs & Symptoms Types of Folliculits Recommended Products Causes of Folliculitis Treatment Options for Folliculitis Home Remedies for Folliculitis. Dip a cloth in hot water and apply it to the affected areas. Razor burn usually leads to clusters of tiny, red bumps on the lower face, genitals, and other areas where a person regularly shaves.Although anyone can develop razor burn, people with thick or curly hair may have a higher risk.Bacterial infections are the most common cause of folliculitis.

Not only will castor oil help relieve scalp folliculitis, but it is also known for soothing the pain that usually comes with the condition. Simply add one tablespoon of vinegar and four tablespoons of hot water. Repeat the treatment three times each day during the healing process.Many of you may be familiar with the popular use of tea tree oil on the scalp for destroying and preventing head lice. The oil has antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral components to destroy the invaders causing the inflammation and infection, as well as alleviate any itchiness.Apply drops of the tea tree oil directly onto the scalp, or add a few drops to your favorite shampoo. Antibacterial soap. However, the berries aren’t what people use medicinally, the roots are.In conventional medicine, this plant’s roots are used to help treat both leprosy and syphilis, but it is also an effective treatment option for skin issues such as psoriasis and folliculitis.A good approach to using this home remedy is to consume it orally and apply it to affected areas topically. However, people can develop different types of folliculitis, depending on the cause. There are many different types, but all are marked by inflammation (swelling), infection or irritation of the hair follicle (a space within the skin that holds the root of a hair and the oil glands).
Vegetable Oil Substitutes: 5 Healthy Alternatives for Baking, Frying, and More

The oil can be applied daily to the scalp for effective results.Pure coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties. Hibiscus Tea: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Side Effects, and Recipes A scalp folliculitis treatment using vinegar can be done alone or added to the hot compress treatment. Frankly, we have every reason to admire this natural cure.

As with tea tree oil, make sure that you do it as many times as you need until the inflammation starts disappearing.We love garlic as a delicious and healthy addition to our home-cooked meals. It is recommended to conduct a test before any prescription in order for the dermatologist to determine the best medication for you.It is possible also to treat Scalp Folliculitis at home either by using antibacterial soap or anti-fungal shampoos to wash you scalp or through other remedies such as:You can prepare a salt or vinegar solution by adding a table spoon of either into one cup of hot water. Home Remedies suggests using an antibacterial soap or shampoo for folliculitis on the scalp. It can alleviate pain, as it helps to dissolve the barrier of the pimple-like bumps.You may use garlic to treat various types of ailments and symptoms, but did you know it can have a powerful effect on inflammation of the scalp?