Mental illness, of course, can complicate things even further. Once the other parent gains custody, regaining custody is extremely hard.Suicidal thoughts differ from other allegations in one important way. If you do not have a custody order in place, you should file an ex parte application immediately. It’s who ever has the child has physical custody until one is granted custody. What do I do? ... Did not have a court order and neither parent has custody granted. Stay strong your child needs you!!! Successive testing showing no drug use assures the court the parent no longer uses drugs. Based on our experience, here are our recommendations:Mental health issues are what they are.
I know I wouldn't do that to my child, but these thoughts scare me to the point where I know I need professional help. He may get temporary custody while you get treatment but once you are in good complete mental health then there is no reason why you couldn't have joint custody.
So, when the court becomes aware of a parent’s suicidal tendencies, the court acts to protect the children. Many parents with a mental illness, facing child custody disputes, deal with difficult challenges. If your suisidal, then you shouldn't have full custody of your baby, Im sorry to say and he will most likely win. Father's Child Custody Rights When the Child's Mother Is Mentally Ill 1 child; San Diego, California TWEET. I'm sure there would be all kinds of thoughts running through his head as to why his momma killed herself. Because mental illness can change over time, this may very well be an ongoing consideration for the court.This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. I had seen my son last at the end of September 2015, but when my mother went to get my son, the father refused to let either one of us have my son back. The parent must prove a negative. Even criminal convictions do not necessarily equal a reduction in custody. The statements and opinions are the expression of author, not LegalZoom, and have not been evaluated by LegalZoom for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.Disclaimer: Communications between you and LegalZoom are protected by our
Whether a mother's diagnosed mental illness impacts her ability to parent her children is a matter for the court to decide. Getting the court the proof it needs to believe a parent is not a threat, is a long, arduous, and expensive undertaking.If you need help by all means get help. I don't want to do anything that could make me lose custody of my child. Welcome to the parent's discussion board. When a child's mother is mentally ill, it is natural to explore a father's child custody … : Exactly. I just don't want to lose custody of my child. Allegations that a parent made suicidal statements can severely damage a custody case.
If it’s unsafe or harmful for a child to be with one parent, that’s the most substantial way mental illness impacts child custody. 2 kids; Alabama Thus, parents with mental illness often avoid seeking mental health services for fear of losing custody of their children. When a child's mother is mentally ill, it is natural to explore a father's child custody rights with the mental illness in mind.In every custody case, the court makes a decision based on the best interests of the child. Thus, the children are not in danger around that parent. So, when the court becomes aware of a parent’s suicidal tendencies, the court acts to protect the children. But allegations of suicidal thoughts are different.The difference with suicidal allegations is that the parent must prove he or she is not suicidal. And Op your child will not be better off without you if anything it would effect your child for the rest of his/her own life. Surely the courts will not allow a suicidal, unstable parent have custody of their child right?