It was something of a challenge to fit THREE tubs of ice cream in my meagre freezer, but I managed.I then dished myself out a serve of each and proceeded with my experiment. Come visit.
Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. If ice creams were countries, cookies and cream would be Switzerland — a neutral zone between chocolate and vanilla. One day, Tami, we will do it!! I like orange sherbet. You would hardly know it from the comments, though: “There’s a very unpleasant artificial flavor in this scoop. Among the complaints: “The texture is off-color and mottled, the flavor is a disaster.” “Skim milk flavor. It’s very simple, the cream isn’t too sugar-sweet, the ratio of cookie is good — it seems like nostalgia for elementary school picnics in a park.” “It does the job on the cookie, creamy and textural fronts” and is “just a tasty, solid ice cream” with “a fine distribution of cookies to cream.” “It was like a hidden treasure of cookies, which I greatly enjoyed.
Some of our supermarket high-end local gourmet brands (such as the Maggie Beer Ezz mentioned) are around $9 for the half-litre.
Tasters called it “bland and forgettable.” They “would have liked more cookies, but this one did a passable job.” They also would have liked better cookies: “This cookie is a nasty, in-flight cookie . This doesn’t seem ‘gourmet’ to me, but I bet it’s a crowd pleaser.” It was “not too sweet, which I appreciate,” with “excellent sized chunks of cookie.” One taster felt it had a “strong c-to-c ratio, but the ice cream is too crystallized.” It was “reasonably satisfying, not mind-blowing. The cookie is generic.
This required me to buy a third brand (of course) — Ben & Jerry’s Sweet cream and cookies — to properly investigate.
I actually thought it might have been even cheaper in the US. However, I found the ice cream itself a bit too sweet — it had a definite ‘sweetened condensed milk’ flavour to it. Mostly.Anyway, I was on the hunt for ice cream several days ago, when the supermarket had an alternative brand (Sara Lee) on sale.
Following the Halo Top instructions, your trusty administrator let the ice cream warm up on the counter for a little while to reach optimal texture.
Despite the yummy chunks of cookie, I don’t think it stands up to the exorbitant price we have to pay for it here.
It had “kind of an odd vanilla, as if the vanilla were created in a lab” and was “a little too sweet for my taste.” It also featured “delicious cookie and not too bad custard. Writing fantasy fiction with coffee or red wine in hand, chocolate on the side, and a devilcat on my lap. You just want a sitcom, not prestige TV.”Both of these brands scored high for the quantity and quality of their cookies.
She is a two-time James Beard Award winner. She joined The Post in 2011. From the moment it hits your mouth, it just gets worse and worse.”This brand is certified organic, but tasters dinged it for its cheap-tasting “cardboard cookie flavor.” One taster was “getting a medicinal vibe from this one, just a funny aftertaste,” and another griped that it was “extremely sugary, even for ice cream” and that “the base verges on grainy.” It was composed of “dry, flavorless cookies and an oddly acidic cream,” said one tester. LOTS of cookies.”The Lancaster, Pa., brand hit the sweet spot for our tasters and scored the highest of any ice cream that comes in a size larger than a quart.
the ice cream itself is adequate, but yikes, this cookie.” Some said it had a “nice tasting base, nicely smooth to the tongue.” Another note said “it felt more like it was quoting cookies and cream than embodying it.” In summary: “a decent amount of chocolate, so it can be tasted in most bites, and the cream/sugar ratio in the ice cream is in better shape. The chunks are marvellous.
They had a few minor issues with the ice cream base — one called it “smooth, but flavorless,” and others thought we were tricking them into eating another low-calorie ice cream (“Tastes kind of fake.” “What is going on with this ice cream?”). Also, the cookie swirl was aesthetically pleasing.” It had “visible bits of light brown cookie within the taste of more traditional cookie dough ice cream.
Homemade Brand. In celebration of my 300th post, today I’m going to talk about ice cream.
I wondered how a post about ice cream would go down with my Northern Hemisphere friends – heh. I tried the Ben & Jerry’s with some trepidation, half-hoping it wasn’t going to be more insanely wonderful to the point I’d have to buy it next time. The brand serves up more than just Instagram-famous photos — it now has a complete ice cream line on the shelves of Target.
Either way, it’s tasty!” “So many cookies!
One claimed it had “a peculiar chalky vibe, which is sad, because at first taste, it was classic and yummy.” Another said it “reminded me of a Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake.