The infection they cause is called cutaneous larva migrans. Depending on the species, female hookworms can produce 10,000-25,000 eggs per day. Its commercial brand name is Antiminth or Pin-X (which you can get at Amazon). If you take your dog to parks, make sure he doesn’t eat other dog’s feces and wash his feet with a baby wipe before letting him in the house.Amanda Maddox began writing professionally in 2007.

Each type of worm has a specific life cycle. Keeping the floor clean by vacuuming and sweeping at least once a week, then mopping with a steam mop and soapy water helps remove parasites according to Dr. Wilson’s website. Her work appears on various websites focusing on topics about medical billing, coding, real estate, insurance, accounting and business. Hookworms aren't directly contagious because the eggs must mature into larvae before another person can contract the infection. For example, the hookworm has four stages that begins with the egg and then develops into three larvae stages.Prevention really is the key when dealing with worms and parasites. Hookworms can live and reproduce in feces for four weeks, according the University of Florida IFAS Extension. This means they live off other living things.

Once these larvae get into human skin, they don’t mature into adults. Work in conjunction with your veterinarian and develop a deworming program. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Maddox has her insurance and real estate licenses and holds an Associate of Applied Science in accounting and business administration from Wallace State Community College. Puppies and dogs carry several types of parasites that can live in your home and affect humans. Hookworms can cause serious problems in small children and the elderly, not the least of which is anemia. Also, get your pet his own bed and don’t let him sleep with you. They’re most likely to infect people living in places with poor sanitation or where human feces are used as fertilizer.There are a few different species of hookworm. For instance, hookworms carry a disease called cutaneous larva migrans, which causes red, inflamed lesions on the skin according to the Mavis Vet website. These eggs can then contaminate the soil and, in warm moist conditions, they will hatch and … One type of hookworm, however, can infect you if you eat or drink something that has its larvae.Anemia may not cause any symptoms at first, but as it gets worse, you might have:Some hookworms prefer animal hosts, so they don’t thrive as well in humans.

Most people with hookworms don’t have symptoms of an infection, especially at first. Hookworms are parasites. My dog was just diagnosed with hookworms and is being given a dewormer.

But as the infection gets worse, it can affect your health.Hookworms live in warm, moist climates around the world: in the U.S., as well as in the rest of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. A lab can check it for tiny hookworm eggs.Treatment depends on how severe your hookworm infection is.When you live, travel, or play in an area where the soil may have hookworms, take these precautions:Some developing countries offer preventive treatment, also known as preventive CDC: “Parasites -- Hookworm,” “Hookworm.” Medscape: “Hookworm Disease Treatment & Management,” “Cutaneous Larva Migrans.”University of Rochester Medical Center: “Hookworm Infection: Creeping Eruption.”WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.