Sorry I forgot to add, if this is the same book as some one talked about on YouTube, was it Joe from the Carolinas? Postlude: Adam and Eve Story . The story concerns this bit of declassified CIA documents, in this case, having to do with the stories of the Flood, and as it turns out, Adam and Eve: THE ADAM AND EVE STORY. There is also the psychic/spiritual side of this. These pages directly discussed the possibility of micro novas on our own sun creating periodic ice ages and pole reversals.Myself don’t disagree micro novas on our own sun creating periodic ice ages and pole reversals, or a possible comet impact that lead to planetary or even solar system scale of disaster or other means.My problem with this is – What was the cause of the lets say be the Micro Novas or the Comet impact or something else, was it a natural disaster or was it a deliberated artificially induced?If we look at all the available ancient myth or records, it constantly talked about those gods fighting war against each other, let us think of a scenario here – We having a WWIII, each country is busy fighting each other to their teeth, all of sudden, there is a planetary scale of disaster incoming, do you think all the countries will just ignore it, continue to fight to their death?
People across the Earth are realizing that the History we've been told is a lie. From the initial couple days of searching, it was concluded that some Universities had copies somewhere, but only people enrolled there could check them out. Read the second link, and I think you'll see why fairly easily.... this scientist figured out something they don't want the general public to know, as it would destabilize society [potentially].MY OPINION is that it would galvanize society, we'd stop the divisive bullshhht, and we'd invent our way out of it and grow the eff up.the book was not censored, if you made a search on google by time and put the end date before the release by cia you will find that the book was heavily discussed in conspiracy related sites and is used as base for many of our conspiracies.Saved the post for when I'm at home so I can download it and archive it. There is even the submerged city – five miles long by two miles wide, and laid out in a grid pattern – which was found off the coast of Gujarat in northwestern India around 2001.
But you will not know about the significance of these ‘anomalies’ until you burrow past mainstream academia.First four seals are ordinary, whereas last three seals are extraordinary.
The only statement I can safely make is related to the CIA’s involvement with this documentation at all. The CIA has for many years kept a weather out on the “alternative field” and when one of them seems to be getting a little too close the truth then a covert campaign s launched to make them look ridiculous, playing on the innate human trait to not want oneself to “look ridiculous”. So, the human ‘experience’ is like a vast scream across the universe.
These kind of posts and research is why I continue to not to give up on this community. All about talmud?Very glad to see Dr. Farrell covering this.
We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. If this happens, it's done. FYI, Jimmy at “Bright Insights” just made a video talking about this book. Please understand a donation is a gift and does not confer membership or license to audiobooks. To show us how silly they are?I’m as interested in WHY they declassified it as much as I am in why they were doing with it to begin with.I do not know why the CIA has declassified the sanitised version of the book but I have been told that all secrets will be revealed to anyone and everyone who wants to know them.Each and every one of the fully ensouled humans will get to choose, and he/she needs to have the full facts in order to decide.But what is this choice that is coming up for humanity?I think the choice is either to leave or to stay in this prison.Yes indeed. If one notes the date of declassification of this document, the CIA website states that it was June 24, 2013.
I'm not saying DEFINITIVELY, but some evidence does point toward a much more recent event.getting within this topic and researching all religions we all realized that modern religion isn't what we think it is if we take that back up the time a couple thousand years to when everything actually happened everything lines up with the stories of Jesus Buddha... Every major finder of every major religion showed up at the same time. Until something “pops” the bubble in which one is living, one continues on in said Belief System; assuming what he or she believes is the “truth”.I would refer everyone to MrMBB333.
Shouldn’t that be “Parent 1” and “Parent 2”?In the myriad of Roswell myths; I strongly suspect the craft that went down, was a Nazi flying saucer. The book was published in multiple editions over the years and was widely available. So from that standpoint, it does make some sense, for any such catastrophe would be viewed as a national security issue and hence of concern to the intelligence "community. So, in summary, one copy of the 1965 book "The Adam and Eve Story" was included in a classified CIA file, along with some other papers.