If you know you are a narcissist, if you identify as a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath or have a diagnosis of NPD or ASPD, consider posting to /r/selfimprovement or /r/DecidingToBeBetter as you will NOT be allowed to post or comment in this subreddit.

Warning Signs You Are Dating A Loser. I'm a girl, if that helps.Number one sign: something just doesn't feel right about them. I find myself repeating “it’s hard being the smartest one in the room” in my head many times on an average day. they tell outrageous stories but when your falling in love you don't seem to notice...you have to pay close close attention to what they are saying and check all the facts. Key Questions to Help You Spot a Narcissist When Dating. She might have FLEAS (she might have been raised by narcissists and picked up some of these traits). I think we would technically not be narcissists at this point, because it would be completely valid.Edit: this is purely a joke btw, as great as world domination would be, I'm not planning it via Reddit...Although completely warped, I found life was so much easier and straightforward as a narcissist.People love narcissists because they are entertaining and seem very sure of the world and themselves. I did hurt people who got too close but for those that were at somewhat arm's length, they enjoyed it a lot.I would never go back to my old ways because I know it's super damaging in the long run. The problem I used to have is that they feel SO right or so normal to me. I have done so much shit to him and traumatized him for life. A true narcissist isn't just someone who’s self-absorbed, especially if they fit a clinical diagnosis. Overview of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. During the initial phase of dating, the narcissist may pour on the charm and entice you with many compliments. He's done a lot wrong since.Number one sign: something just doesn't feel right about them.I unfortunately can't agree with that at all. I don’t want to be famous because I am an introvert and would rather be held in high regard by people - almost in a canonical sense - than be on TV, in the limelight and surrounded by Hollywood pinheads. You're perfect and amazing and he's never met anyone like you and you feel like the luckiest person in the world, for the first six months til he starts treating you like shit out of nowhere. (Don't post there if you're narcissistic) He turned out to be a very convincing conman.This is also sometimes called "Future faking" -- they get the rush of gratitude for the promise but never have to deliver the actual gift. It is possible to spot a narcissist when dating, even early on. I felt something was wrong from the start even if I didn't know why at the time but thought I was judging too soon as he hadn't done anything wrong yet. Mind you, I'm specifically looking for very early signs like when you first start dating someone. As messed up as it sounds, I feel like I've lost a super power.I’m gonna try to keep the exposition brief. I think I also may be a genius - I constatanly refer to myself as “gifted” in my inner dialogue - and I have this urge to assert dominance over people by explaining things to them; sometimes it won’t even be true. I mistook arrogance for confidence with my narcissist. 20 Diversion Tactics Manipulative Narcissists Use To Silence You. Out Of The Fog (Sorry - doesn't get any more specific than that)=> Puts me on a pedestal (that is one HUGE red flag. I still have my ups and downs but have been reminiscing the old days often. You should find everything you need there.jealousy I think is a big one, at first it might not seem like jealousy though, maybe he'll just show up randomly at places he knows you'll be, even at workhe might act sad if you say you're going somewhere without him or invite himself alongthe relationship may move very fast as in he will talk about living together, even getting married or having kids, or call you his girlfriend or say he's falling in love - all very soon after meeting youhe stares at you - this is a weird one but I read about it and it actually happened to me, I had this boyfriend who would just lay there and stare into my eyes for the longest time...and he turned out to be a raging narcissisthe's suspicious, suspects you of lying or suspects you of seeing someone elsethey lie. Because of the COVID my grandiose plans for the future were crushed and I have been depressed + panic attacks + sucidal and he is still by my side.