List of 40 causes for Medications causing galactorrhea and Nipple discharge, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more. The decision to treat patients with galactorrhea is based on the serum prolactin level, the severity of galactorrhea, and the patient’s fertility desires. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001:752–3.Raber W, Galactorrhea may develop as a complication of spinal cord injury.High levels of estrogens in the placental-fetal circulation can result in gynecomastia in newborn infants. The patient’s breast tissue may have increased sensitivity to normal circulating prolactin levels.Headache, visual disturbances, temperature intolerance, seizures, disordered appetite, polyuria, polydipsiaDecreased libido, infertility, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, impotenceNervousness, restlessness, increased sweating, heat intolerance, weight loss in spite of an increase in appetiteHeadache, visual disturbances, temperature intolerance, seizures, disordered appetite, polyuria, polydipsiaDecreased libido, infertility, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, impotenceNervousness, restlessness, increased sweating, heat intolerance, weight loss in spite of an increase in appetiteHypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, chronic renal failureBradycardia, goiter, coarse hair, dry skin, carotenoderma, myxedemaVisual field defect, papilledema, cranial neuropathyHypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, chronic renal failureBradycardia, goiter, coarse hair, dry skin, carotenoderma, myxedemaVisual field defect, papilledema, cranial neuropathyOnset in the neonatal period signals transplacental transfer of maternal estrogen with resultant gynecomastia. Valero MA, Some medications known to cause galactorrhea are listed in Pituitary tumors, the most common pathologic cause of galactorrhea,Hypothalamic lesions such as craniopharyngioma, primary hypothalamic tumor, meta-static tumor, histiocytosis X, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and empty sella syndrome, and pituitary stalk lesions—traumatic or secondary to the mass effects of sellar tumors—are infrequent but significant causes of galactorrhea. Physicians also should note whether the discharge is scant or abundant, expressed or spontaneous, and intermittent or persistent.Head-aches, visual disturbances, temperature intolerance, seizures, disordered appetite, polyuria, and polydipsia suggest a pituitary or hypothalamic disease. The most common pathologic cause of galactorrhea is a pituitary tumor. Vartej P, Yordam N. Dose-dependent suppression of serum prolactin by cabergoline in hyperprolactinemia: a placebo controlled, double blind, multicenter study. Landolt AM, Because the secretion of prolactin is labile and episodic, an elevated prolactin level should be confirmed on at least two occasions when the patient is in a fasting, non-exercised state, with no breast stimulation. Prolactinoma. Morrison C. It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or after menopause. If you suspect a medication you take might be causing galactorrhea, work with your doctor to see if there’s another you can take instead. Other causes include hypothalamic and pituitary stalk lesions, neurogenic stimulation, thyroid disorders, and chronic renal failure. Surgical resection rarely is required for prolactinomas. Dr. Pacaud graduated from the University of Montreal Faculty of Medicine in Quebec and completed a residency in pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology at St. Justine’s Hospital, Montreal. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia. Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Chlorprothixine Ormazine Taractan Thorazine The condition may resolve on its own.Signs and symptoms associated with galactorrhea include:If you have a persistent, spontaneous milky nipple discharge from one or both of your breasts and you're not pregnant or breast-feeding, make an appointment to see your doctor.If breast stimulation — such as excessive nipple manipulation during sexual activity — triggers nipple discharge from multiple ducts, you have little cause for worry. et al. Follow-up of children born of bromocriptine-treated mothers.