He also composed many books on medicine. My concern was that continued vomiting and diarrhoea might lead to hypokalaemia (low potassium in the blood) and that this would precipitate a further cardiac event. I had to trust and obey. Forty of these focus on medicine.Among ibn Sina’s significant contributions to medieval medicine were “The Book of Healing,” an expansive scientific encyclopedia, and “The Canon of Medicine,” which became essential reading at several medical schools around the world.The universities of Leuven, in Belgium, and Montpellier, in France, used these texts into the middle of the sixteenth century.Also called “The Law of Medicine,” ibn Sina wrote this five-volume textbook in Arabic. For people usually in good health, flu is not too big of a deal, with rare exceptions. Sadly some doctors are not able to distinguish between a normal infant and an at risk infant, resulting in many babies being subjected to unnecessary intervention, commonly in the form of phototherapy, using blue lights to reduce the jaundice. In older infants and children sticky eyes may appear along side common cold symptoms, and again this is often caused by narrowing and blockage of the naso-lacrimal duct due to  nasal congestion, and just as in the well newborn, it is not accompanied by red irritable eyes. Unlike the previous two men, however, Al Tabari's encyclopedia remained relatively unknown in the West until recently because it wasn't translated until the 21st century. But in a situation where the patient can freely shop for health care and doctors compete for business, it is common place. Instead I gave him blood as fast as I dared, in the meanwhile he had to be put on a breathing machine as he was too exhausted to breath by himself. The Raw Health News Feed The Comprehensive Real-Time News Feed for Health News Provided By Editor Brian Harrod And The Roundup Newswires Network It is true that if you develop sinusitis, you may have copious green runny nose and you may then benefit from antibiotic treatment, but most episodes of the common cold are not complicated by sinusitis. It is simply  easier and less time consuming for a doctor to assume the diagnosis and prescribe antibiotic, and of course inappropriate use of antibiotic will surely do more harm than good.This would only be true if you have invasive diarrhea, where the bacteria breaks through the gut and enters the circulation. First of all if you need an injection, you should be in hospital. Centers of learning grew out of famous mosques, and hospitals were often added at the same site. The child had appendicitis and her condition got progressively worse at home. In a good drug trial, to test the efficacy of a new drug, research conducted using the double blind technique (whereby neither the drug prescriber nor the recipient know if the drug given is the new research drug on an older established drug against which comparison is saught, or placebo). Otis had biliary atresia and doctors in Leeds warned the baby boy would die without a transplant.

Medieval Islamic doctors were greatly influenced by philosophers such as Hippocrates and Galen, as well as Indian physicians like Sushruta and Charaka. This is because a strong antibiotic will kill off most of the bacteria in the gut, including the normal non-pathological ones, thus the “weaker” bacteria will all die off making room for “stronger”, more resistant bacteria to flourish.Yet another medical student level misconception that is unfortunately voiced even by (badly) trained “pediatrician” not infrequently. The elderly particularly, are rarely able to cope with more than 4 different drugs in a day. In the full term normal newborn, the chance of jaundice causing damage is so small it is hard to put a number to it. Again research papers are brandished, tables are thumped and beards are muttered into.So what is the truth, are there health benefits of male circumcision that would justify routine use? There, medical students could observe and learn from more experienced doctors.From 661 to 750 C.E., during the Umayyad dynasty, people generally believed that God would provide treatment for every illness.