When Judgment Day arrives at the end of the world, the angels who have served as Kiramin Katibin throughout history will present to Allah all of the records they've kept on people during their earthly lifetimes, Muslims believe. He said, "Me too, but Allah has helped me against him (the devil-companion) and he has become Muslim."" These angels are the kiraman katibin, or 'noble writers,' who keep a record of our doings." People will also be able to read the records that the Kiramin Katibin have kept about them, Muslims believe, so on Judgment Day, they can understand why Allah is sending them to either heaven or hell. The angel on a person's right shoulder writes down the person's good deeds, while the angel on the left shoulder records the person's bad deeds. Therefore, you must know that you are not alone. "A tradition records that the angel on the right is more merciful than the angel on the left," writes Edward Sell in his book The Faith of Islam. Keep your heart, especially during Ramadan, and then Allah Almighty will keep your heart the whole year." Anywhere you may be, those two honorable angels are with you.' He knows what you are thinking about. The book in which the angels are writing is the cumulative record of a given person's deeds.
Muhammad said: "There is no one among you but he has with him a constant companion (qareen) from among the jinn and a constant companion from among the angels." However, the tradition believes that no Muslims can go to heaven unless recommended by The Quran refers to them in two places, in 50:16-18 and by name as ‘Noble Recorders’ in 82:10-12.The work of the Kiraman Katibin is to write down and record every action, thought, or feeling a person has each day. On the other hand, if they have more negative points than the positive points, they enter into hell. The Kiraman Katibin are careful not to miss any details of what people do, and they can clearly see people's actions because they accompany the people to whom they're assigned by sitting on their shoulders, believers say. In his book Liberating the Soul: A Guide for Spiritual Growth, Volume 1, Shaykh Adil Al-Haqqani writes: "At the first level, Allah Almighty says: 'Oh people, you have two angels, two honorable angels, with you. They continue: "Oh servants of our Lord, he is with us at every time, everywhere. In her book Essential Islam: A Comprehensive Guide to Belief and Practice, Diane Morgan writes that during the Salat prayer, some worshipers give a peace greeting (saying "Peace be upon all of you and the mercy and blessings of Allah") by "addressing the angels perched on their right and left shoulders. Then Allah will decide the eternal destiny of each person according to what they have done, as recorded by the Kiramin Katibin. The constant presence of the Kiraman Katibin recording angels with people helps remind them of Allah's constant presence with them, believers say, and that knowledge can encourage them and motivate them to intentionally choose good deeds often. The one on the right side writes down the good deeds..... AskIslamPedia is an Islamic web portal providing Authentic Islamic Knowledge in Simple, Structured and Organized format so as to make the World know Pure Islam at a button click. KIRAMAN AND KATIBIN Kiraman and Katibin are the 2 angels mentioned in Islamic scriptures. They said, "You too, O Messenger of Allah?" The Qur'an describes the destiny of those with enough good deeds in Chapter 85 (Al-Buruj), verse 11: "Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow.

After that person's death, it is said that on the Day of Judgement each person will be confronted with this record, and the two angels will be present to tell God of what the person did.
These angels are the kiraman katibin, or 'noble writers,' who keep a record of our doings." The Qur'an declares in Chapter 50 (Qaf), verses 17-18: "When the two receivers receive, seated on the right and on the left, man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]." Whitney Hopler is a writer and editor who has covered faith since 1994. In his book The Narrow Gate: A Journey to Life Moon writes: "Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgment, the record book will be presented to Allah by the Kiraman Katibin. If they have more positive points (thawab) than negative points (ithim), then they enter into heaven. Menurut syariat Islam, jika ada seseorang yang melakukan amal (perbuatan) yang lebih dominan, maka ia akan dikirim berdasarkan perbuatan semasa hidupnya di dunia, entah ke … In his book Shaman, Saiva and Sufi: A Study of the Evolution of Malay Magic, Sir Richard Olof Winstedt writes: "Recorders of [a person’s] good and evil deeds, they are termed the Kiraman Katibin, the Noble Writers; good deeds are written down by the angel on his right, bad by the angel on his left." "Satan, Archangel Lucifer, the Devil Demon CharacteristicsHow Does Archangel Gabriel Quiz Muhammad in the Hadith? Judgment Day When Judgment Day arrives at the end of the world, the angels who have served as Kiramin Katibin throughout history will present to Allah all of the records they've kept on people during their earthly lifetimes, Muslims believe. kiraman (honourable) katibin writing down (your deeds). That is the first stage for the The work of the Kiraman Katibin is to write down and record every action, thought, or feeling a …