Most women can find a birth control pill that doesn’t cause problems and is easy for them to take. The combination pill contains two hormones, estrogen and progestin. "People may switch birth control because they want to move from a method that needs to be taken daily to one that does not," It's important to remember several things: The first is that certain side effects may simply disappear after a certain amount of transitioning time, and are only a matter for concern if they never settle down — while others need to be a concern immediately.

I was on Diane 35 and then I switched to Tricyclen, and I was wondering if it was safe to have sex without condoms before waiting for the second month because they are both birth control pills.The level of pregnancy protection when switching to a new type of birth control pill can vary. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm 19 years old. Ask your doctor what’s best for you.To keep yourself protected, you should discuss how to end your original form of birth control and start the new one.For many women, the saying “It’s better to be safe than sorry” applies when switching between types of birth control pills. Combined pill to combined pill or to a mini pill: Start the first pill of the new pack the day after taking the last pill of your last pack. If you've switched to the combined pill and the side effects aren't lessening, you should also take note. It is important to remember that side effects can be a common issue for BCP users. All rights reserved.This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Changing birth control methods is associated withThis one tends to be exclusively related to hormone-based birth control: The dark spots may simply fade once you switch to another birth control method, or prescription cream may be required to make them lessen. I was wondering about when you switch birth control pills.

You can stop taking your pill at any point in the pack. Missing a dose by several hours increases the likelihood you’ll begin ovulation. The minipill contains just one hormone, progestin. So you've decided to shift your contraceptive methods. You may be more likely to experience Should you choose to finish your current pack of birth control, that is also OK! © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. In a group of 1657 women who were either new to birth control pills, or switching birth control methods, 46% of those who discontinued BCPs cited side effects as the cause. Answer. Advise women to follow one of the following procedures when changing brands… To increase the odds of a smooth transition from one type of birth control to the next, aim to make the switch at the end of your cycle. Both types of birth control pills are effective and safe.Many women taking birth control pills experience a few The most common side effects include headache, nausea, breakthrough bleeding, and breast tenderness.For some women, the dose of hormones may be too much, especially on an empty stomach.

This article explains three ways of switching birth control pills. Warnings. If you want to switch to a new birth control pill, there are things you need to consider. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. She does not need to take the inactive COCs and she would not need to use back-up contraception.When changing from POPs to COCs, some health care providers mention the "rule of seven." When changing brands of OCs it is important that the pill-free interval is not prolonged. You can just start the new birth control when you receive it.

However, to be safe, your doctor may recommend you use a Some providers recommend that you wait an entire month before having unprotected sex.

Learn more about the different birth control pill options. It is very easy to switch from your current birth control pill to a different one, although it is important to know the type of birth control pill you are switching from and what type of birth control pill you are switching to. Use a back-up birth control method, such as a condom, when switching birth control pills. You may be switching from a mini-pill to a combined pill. Dear Reader, The level of pregnancy protection when switching to a new type of birth control pill can vary. While it is VERY normal to have changes in your period (when it begins, flow, intensity of cramps, headaches, etc), it is still smart to use a back up method during the 1st month of the new contraceptive pill/patch/ring/device.