Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to poor male sexual function (especially erectile dysfunction) in previous studies. A real, U.S.-licensed physician will review your information and get back to you within 24 hours. Can confirm that if you do not take the co-factors you will have troubles. I have now seen this happen in several men. Experts say it could. After a week or so I noticed I could not keep an erection and I have NEVER had that problem before. … Her response was that there are number of positive effects from taking Vitamin D3 and its being recommended by a number of Doctors in the medical community…. Vitamin D deficiency has emerged as a … This will allow you to take up to 10,000iu daily with no problems and possibly even more if necessary. Vitamins for ED. It’s estimated that more than 30 million men in the US have erectile dysfunction (Nunes, 2012). All Rights Reserved. I've had ED for ages it seems. They concluded that vitamin D plays an essential role in men’s sexual function and that supplementation can improve it. I'll reduce my dosage from 10,000 to 500 a day and see if my erection return to normal. I felt better in every way, and had no problem maintaining an erection. Any medical decisions should be made with the assistance of a medical professional. Vitamin D. One study … A few years ago, I started taking vitamin D on a daily basis. If you have such significant problems on such a tiny dose of vitamin d, then I suspect that you have some serious undiagnosed nutritional deficiencies or other hormonal related issues. I get the pleasure of the orgasm, however it seemed that the ejaculation was a bit AFTER that. “If our data will be further confirmed, vitamin D evaluation might be included in the near future in the clinical work-up protocol of male sexual dysfunction,” they wrote.

When I increase my d3 the ED returns.

I have been taking Vitamin D 5000IU caps for a little more than a month, and I noticed this week that some erction problems have occurred. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to poor male sexual function (especially erectile dysfunction) in previous studies. Vitamin D is important for optimal health, but 42% of Americans are deficient. Man I'm 23 and I have a moderate acne.. I have had similar experiences with Vitamin D3. The author(s) of this site is/are exercising their unalienable right to free speech. I asked why? Also, vitamin D deficiency is associated with cardiovascular risk that can also affect sexual function; healthy levels of vitamin D may mitigate this risk and, in turn, benefit sexual health. When I ran out of pills i didn't take any for a couple of days and my erection was back and normal. The authors discussed possible mechanisms behind the vitamin D/sexual function link. It did give me positive results for my skin but contrary to my Erectile function... and what about many other people outside in animals in nature but I agree it should be tested I hear the opposite on the other end that deficiency in vitamin D(3) may contribute to ed problems? I stopped taking the capsules and within about a week I was back to normal. Im almost CERTAIN that lowering my dosage will solve the problem, having read a few articles on the subject. I should also add that I was taking 400 mg of elemental magnesium during this time so I don't think it was a magnesium sufficiency symptom. This vitamin is great and I also saw on you tube where the doc....well here it is as this is so exciting against cancer,good for erections,boosts the immune system 3-5 times higher. I too have experienced erectile dysfunction from taking Vitamin Ds capsues. It was mentioned vitamin K, but more specifically, vitamin K2 is what you should take. Learn more. Aziz on FREE e-BOOK! I had a patient quit taking vitamin D because he thought that it caused erectile dysfunction (ED). I was taking 10000 iu for a couple years Viagra didnt even help. Has anyone had similar reactions to higher doses of D3? The men also completed the International Index of Erectile Function-15 (IIEF-15) questionnaire, which evaluates erectile and orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction. Will be 56 this month so this is great news. Recent Comments. I started taking 5000 IU's for energy. Its not how much hormone we have, its the delicate balance of different hormones that make us play the right tune so to speak. Diabetic men and smokers tended to have lower testosterone levels than men without diabetes and nonsmokers.

So I started them again to test and …

I guess its true, too much of ANYTHING can be bad for you. Advertisement. Im like any man, Ive suffered OCCASIONALLY from E.D.