Diarrhea can affect anyone, including women who are pregnant. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Certain conditions may be worsened by these medicines. You may not need to take any additional medications to treat your diarrhea. We also describe when to see a doctor, home treatments, and medications.Diarrhea is a very common condition that can affect anyone, including women who are pregnant. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. You will need to make sure you are re-hydra… You can lose a significant amount of fluids when experiencing diarrhea during pregnancy. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. All rights reserved. Dehydration can be serious, even deadly. It is also important to drink liquids containing electrolytes, For pregnant women with severe hydration, a doctor may suggest an oral rehydration solution.Many doctors also recommend a bland diet to help restore electrolytes lost from diarrhea.
If you have severe or bloody diarrhea, see your healthcare provider right away. However, diarrhea during pregnancy can also result from a bowel infection or underlying bowel disorder.In this article, we discuss whether diarrhea is normal during pregnancy and the possible causes. You can prevent dehydration during pregnancy by drinking at least © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. However, it can also be unrelated to pregnancy and result from an infection or underlying bowel disorder.One change that can cause diarrhea is a rise in prostaglandin levels. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. It isn't common to have diarrhea during pregnancy. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. For week-by-week pregnancy guidance, tips, and more, sign up for our If you’re leery of medications while you’re pregnant, there’s some good news. However, just because you have diarrhea doesn’t necessarily mean it’s directly related to your pregnancy.Certain conditions also make diarrhea more common.
Increased prostaglandin levels can also cause diarrhea during the menstrual cycle.Synthetic prostaglandins, such as a medication called misoprostol (Cytotec), can have diarrhea as a side effect. According to the During pregnancy, diarrhea may arise from hormonal or physical changes. Prostaglandins, such as If stool passes too quickly through the bowels, it can result in diarrhea. If your diarrhea lasts more than two or three days, call your doctor. (Pregnant women are much more likely to have constipation rather than loose stools.) Diarrhea doesn’t necessarily mean that your labor is mere days away, so don’t be alarmed by the increased frequency.Some women will not even experience frequent diarrhea in their third trimester, though others will. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Additionally, they are not safe for everyone.If you’re experiencing diarrhea, it’s important to stay hydrated. Seek immediate medical care for symptoms such as fever, dehydration, bloody stools, or frequent vomiting.Also, it is important to speak to a doctor before taking any medications for diarrhea. Drink juice and broth to help replace some of the electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals your body has lost.Prolonged diarrhea can cause dehydration. Diarrhea during pregnancy. If you are experiencing three runny, watery bowel movements in one day, the main concern is to stay hydrated. Find out what you can do to ease the discomfort when it strikes.If you experience three or more loose bowel movements in one day, you may have diarrhea. However, if you need something else, a few treatments are available.Do not take an over-the-counter antidiarrheal medication without consulting your doctor. Drinking plenty of water and clear broths or soups can help prevent dehydration.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company.
All rights reserved. All rights reserved. (Psst! An underlying bacterial cause, such as food poisoning , could pose a threat to both you and your baby. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diarrhea during pregnancy is one of the unfortunate discomforts that may be experienced. This is because misoprostol can cause stool to absorb more water and electrolytes from the stomach, contributing to diarrhea.Bowel infections are a common cause of diarrhea. Watery, loose bowel movements remove a lot of fluid from your body. Learn more about the … Each person’s experience will be different. Diarrhea literally means flowing through and is defined as having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements in a 24 hour period. All rights reserved. These include As you near your due date, you may find that diarrhea becomes more common. Some can be harmful, while the safety of others is not yet clear.They report findings indicating that Lomotil can harm the fetus in the second and third trimesters.