In this image taken from video, Miami police officers stand watch near a naked man, second from right, who was shot dead by a police officer when he refused to stop chewing on the face of the naked man next to him, partially obscured by a railing, on the MacArthur Causeway ramp on May 26, 2012.

"Be in the know. During the 18-minute filmed encounter, Eugene (who was himself stripped nude) accused Poppo of stealing his Bible, beat him unconscious, removed Poppo’s pants, and bit off most of Poppo’s face above the beard, including his left eye, leaving him blind in both. Ronald Poppo Identified As Victim Of Rudy Eugene's Naked Cannibal Attack (VIDEO, PHOTOS) Police sources have identified the homeless victim in a horrific, bloody assault in which a naked North Miami Beach man chewed off a large portion of another's man's face … "He said, 'I'm sure that man had a bad day that day,'" Sigue said.Poppo will remain at Perdue Medical Center indefinitely, doctors said.

"Poppo now spends most days in the privacy of his room, listening to news on the radio, following the fortunes of the Miami Heat and practicing guitar.Poppo, who turned 66 on Friday, was critically injured on May 26, 2012. "I think he wants the world to know that he's not traumatized by this, that he's happy and grateful," said Dr. Urmen Desai, Poppo's plastic surgeon at Jackson Memorial Hospital/University of Miami. Ronald Poppo, 65, had two "mysterious" holes in his left chest when he was brought bleeding to Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital, apparently entry and exit wounds, doctors said. "That's about the best I could sum it up as. New pictures and a video of a homeless man whose face was almost chewed off in a horrifying attack in Miami last year have been released. In a recorded interview with investigators, Ronald Poppo said the man who approached him initially seemed friendly. During the 18-minute filmed encounter, Eugene accused Poppo of stealing his Bible, beat him unconscious, removed Poppo's pants, and bit off most of Poppo's face above the beard (including his left eye), leaving him blind in both eyes. Ronald Poppo lost his left eye, his nose and most of the surrounding skin when a naked man attacked him for no reason alongside a motorway. "Although Poppo has received telephone calls from a brother and a sister, therapists said, he does not always accept the calls.Patients at Perdue are given a form on which they can write down the names of authorized visitors.

He apparently didn't have a good day at the beach ... And I guess he took it out on me or something. shows Rudy Eugene, 31 (left), who police shot and killed as he ate the face of Ronald Poppo, 65 (right) during a horrific attack on May 26, 2012.

"But he just went and turned berserk.

"He must have been souped up on something. Marijuana was found in Eugene's system. Staff recently brought Poppo some hand weights, and encouraged him to exercise, occupational therapist Kathy Anglin said. "He is blind, so he can't see what he looks like," said Urmen Desai, one of two plastic surgeons treating Poppo. The Miami cannibal attack occurred on May 26, 2012, when Rudy Eugene assaulted Ronald Poppo on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami, Florida. The ‘Miami Cannibal Attack’ occurred on May 26, 2012, when Rudy Eugene assaulted Ronald Poppo on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami, Florida. In a short video shown at Jackson Memorial Hospital, he wore a blue polo shirt and held a guitar. "I thank the outpouring of people in the community," Poppo said on the video.

He's wonderful.

One of the updated photos released of Ronald Poppo, 66, the man who was left blinded when he was attacked and his face was chewed on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami on May of 2012. He is homeless so please donate to help him.

"Mr Poppo does not blame Eugene for what happened, said Adolfa Sigue, nurse manager at the Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Centre, where he lives. Help Ronald Poppo. "Poppo remains in the Perdue Medical Center after losing an eye, his eyebrows, his nose and parts of his forehead and right cheek in the May 26 attack. For someone who's been through what he's been through, he's wonderful. – The victim who had his face eaten by another man who was shot and killed by police in Miami on Saturday has been identified. "We respect his autonomy. He has seen brutality in people, please show him humanity 73 likes. Now blind, Ron Poppo, the Miami cannibal victim, has spent much of the last year recuperating at the Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center, a long-term care facility in Cutler Bay. Help Ronald Poppo. Hospital staff said he can remain in the Miami nursing facility "indefinitely."

I'm just trying to recover from what happened. Ronald Edward Poppo was a homeless man settled under a tram bridge crossing the MacArthur Causeway. One of the updated photos released of Ronald Poppo, 66, the man who was left blinded when he was attacked and his face was chewed on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami on May of 2012.One of the updated photos released of Ronald Poppo, 66, the man who was left blinded when he was attacked and his face was chewed on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami on May of 2012. He was also left blind in his remaining eye. "He mashed my face into the sidewalk," he said.